Apocalypse World Game Group


Rose, Maestro D’
Woman in immaculate whites, tattooed face, mischievous eyes, restless body and playful hands
Cool -1, Hard +2, Hot +2, Sharp 0, Weird -1

x You call this hot? When you do something under fire, roll +hot instead of +cool
x Everybody eats, even that guy: When you want to know something about someone important (your call), roll +hot. On a hit you can ask the MC questions.

Hx: Rex +1, Jute +1, Kai +2, Higgs +3

Convenient shotgun, kitchen knife, armor vest (1-armor)

Fights w/ Easy Food & Fashion
Atmosphere: Lights, Violence, Dancing & A Cage
Security: Convenient shotgun and everybody’s packing

Best Regular: Camo
Worst Regular: Lamprey
Wants in on it: Rolfball
Owe for it: Gams
Who wants it gone? Been

Cast & Crew: Camo, Lamprey, Lits, Toyota, and Ba

– Finds Kai the most attractive
– Higgs is her favorite