Apocalypse World Game Group


Jute, The Chopper

Ambiguous, showy biker ware, strong face, calculating eyes, wiry body

Cool +1, Hard +2, Hot +0, Sharp +1, Weird -1

x Pack Alpha: When you try to impose your will on the gang, roll + hard. On a 10+, all 3. On 7-9 choose 2. On a miss, someone in your gang makes a bid to replace you as alpha.
x Fucking thieves: When you have your gang search their pockets and saddlebags for something, roll +hard. It has to be something small enough to fit.

Hx: Rex: +1, Rose: +3, Kai: +1, Higgs: -1

Sawed off, SMG, prosthetic right hand (strong, smooth, shiny, but itchy), 2-armor flak jacket
Oddments worth 2 barter

Your bike: Aggressive, responsive, flashy, vintage, but slow
Speed 0, handling +1, Armor 0, Massive 0

Your gang: Small, harm 2, armor 1, +rich, vulnerable: grounded
Gang is well disciplined, self-sufficient, but bikes are picky and high maintenance

– Kai rode with Jute’s gang
– Velentus Rex stood up to Jute, gang and all
– Rose could take Jute in a fight