DnD Roleplaying

Now that 4e is hitting its stride, more detail

Mike Mearls wrote Solo Monsters and the Risk of Boredom, which Chris Chinn amplified with his post

Rob Donohuge has a cool idea: Have a character worksheet (like the current character sheet) and a minimalist in play character sheet.

Asamor built a cool 4e item finder that includes Dungeon and Dragon items.
Dragonborn details, a new Ecology of X styled article for the new race. Go to town!
How to make a 4e Catfolk Ninja
Ten Things You Can Do In Fourth Edition ….. that you couldn’t (easily) do in Third Edition. (Part Two)

Excerpt from the DMG about skills. has only a few sheets so far. I’m curious to see if the landscape sheet works well as an in play sheet.

4e errata highlights