
C. J. Cherryh in June

Merchanter’s Luck by C. J. Cherryh (3/5). I remember picking this one because I thought it was the oldest in the timeline, but it still felt like hopping aboard a train in motion. A great main character and interesting small/big relations among the merchants.

Forty Thousand in Gehenna by C. J. Cherryh (3/5). Very different from the book it’s paired with; an interesting two century colonization and adaptation experience. Union abandoning the colony felt “on brand” for a universe (and power) that I know mostly by reputation.

Gate of Ivrel (The Morgaine Cycle, #1) by C.J. Cherryh (3/5). A packed novel with a fascinating viewpoint character, Vanye, and interesting cultures. Adapting to Morgaine is interesting; her viewpoint feels closer to modern, making Vanye’s struggles fascinating.

Well of Shiuan (Morgaine 2) by C.J. Cherryh (3/5). A fascinating development, as Vanye struggles to adjust to life in a new world. It *really* doesn’t go well. This world and its drowning does make you wonder about gates failing. Cousin Roh is interesting.

Fires of Azeroth (Morgaine #3) (4/5). This one caught my attention and hope; interesting world building and tough interactions w/ the horde. Roh really pays off, with so much scheming and poised betrayal.

Exile’s Gate (Morgaine #4) (3/5). The struggle to respect and discuss strategies w/ someone so different — I hated that best intentions went so awry, but it made sense. The locals are so mired, but it works well.