
Star Crossed: Aries Rising by Bonnie Hearn Hill

A good book, fun and fast reading. The world is relentlessly narrow– there aren’t a lot of extraneous characters. This gives the book a slightly cramped feel– the only classes mentioned are English and writing for the school newspaper; the only teachers mentioned are English and writing, etc.

I liked it, and wouldn’t mind reading the other books in the series. They seem right up Jennifer’s alley as good YA fiction with a strong female lead.

One significant flaw: for some reason they moved the “in character” glossary to the beginning of the book, before the story starts. It made me wonder if I’d joined in mid-series, since it also details the astrological signs of everyone. It’s dry reading, spoilery, and gets in the way. If they reprint, I’d strongly suggest that it get moved to the rear or eliminated altogether. (Though I freely admit that I’m not their target audience.)

One reply on “Star Crossed: Aries Rising by Bonnie Hearn Hill”

Thanks, Scott, for reading my book–even though you aren’t my target reader. 🙂 Hope you will check out Taurus Eyes and Gemini Night. I also hope my comments about your sign came close. My best friend is an astrologer, and she helped me with that part of the books.

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