Game Group

D&D Night: Friday Feb. 25th

Due to a funeral, we’re looking at one last Friday game night on the 25th. 6:30 start time. Does anyone have a problem with that night?

Please comment in thread. Thanks!

UPDATE: I’ve spoken with Steve and Ben in person– it sounds like it’s a go, everyone should be able to make it. Also, I summarized the last session in the comments if you need a refresher.

Game Group

D&D CANCELLED: Through Fri Feb. 25th

What the title says– this is a reminder that the D&D game is cancelled for the next two weeks. We should resume on Friday the 25th (if I understand correctly). If that day doesn’t work for you, be certain to indicate that in the comments.

UPDATE: Friday evening, 6:30 is the new plan. Dad’s out of town Saturday afternoon & evening.

Game Group Roleplaying

Purchases between games

Last week, we were discussing purchasing stuff between sessions, so that we’re ready to get to the “good stuff” when the next adventure begins. Here are some of the key points that came up in the thread.

Ben asked how much gold we’ve made– an important question for shopping. We divied out 75 gp apiece last time, so most characters probably have 75-80 gp. If you saved money at character generation, you might have more.

There are a number of links- one to equipment (with price and details) and several to familiars, in case Jennifer decides to go that route.

Game Group

D&D Game- Friday 2/5/2004

With last week’s game cancelled, I’ll be chomping at the bit for this session. The delay gives us a while to finish shopping and get prepped for the next session. If you’re going to be late, leave early, etc. this thread’s ideal.

It’ll be the first week playing at the new address; fortunately, I think everyone has at least driven by. If you’re at all unclear about how to get to our place just call: 228 3324.

Update: SBC turned on our phone in a strange place, but the electrician has been out so phone and internet are both a go.

Game Group

CANCELED Friday 1/28/2005

UPDATE: Disease has struck Dad down, so there will be no session tonight.

This is an open post about the upcoming Friday session. Let us know if you’re going to be late, want to mix up the food orders (or if the same Pizza mix will be good again this week).

This will be the last week of gaming at Chateau Martin– next week (February 4) we’ll try out the new digs.

Game Group

Shopping and paperwork

I remember that people were talking about getting some shopping done during the week, so we won’t have to take gametime to do it next Friday. I guess this thread is here for posting what you’re buying, asking about availability, and the like.

UPDATE: Ben asked how much gold we’ve made– an important question for shopping. We divied out 75 gp apiece last time, so most characters probably have 75-80 gp. If you saved money at character generation, you might have more.

Here’s a link to an online price list, etc. straight from the player’s handbook: Equipment

Game Group

Gameday 1/21/2005 (Friday)

Does anyone have a problem showing up this week? 6:30 is still the planned start time. Chime in if you’re going to have any problem making it, or even if you’re sure that you’ll be there.

Let’s discuss food. What do we want to eat– Pizza again sound good, or are you all craving something different?

Update: Good news– Zack will join us for Friday.
Also, due to comment spam, I’ve restricted comments to registered people. Registering takes less than a minute– go here:
If you have any problems (or if this greatly annoys you), let me know.

DnD Game Group Roleplaying

Death and Hit Points

Before we get there, I thought I’d bring up the only random part of leveling up– hit points. There are a lot of campaigns out there, and they’ve each got a take on how to solve it. I think we’d all prefer not to have too many ones… especially for the first few levels when it really matters.

a) Three-quarters of max each level. This is the most generous guaranteed hit points that I’ve seen. [I have seen a few “just give max at each level”, but really, why make it a die type at that point?]

b) Use WOTC’s Monster design rules- average hit points per level (so 4.5 per d8 for example).

c) Roll the die. If it comes up a one, reroll it. Still pretty variable, but at least you’re not stuck with ones.

d) Roll two dice & keep the better one. While there’s still a chance of a low number (even a one), it’s pretty slim.

e) Roll three dice and keep the middle one. This cuts back on the extremes- both high and low are unlikely, so you’ll often have a mid range roll.

f) High minimum old school For the first ten levels, characters are guaranteed high hit points (reroll anything falling in the bottom half). From 10 on, the con bonus is eliminated, and it returns to +1,+2, or +3 per level, like old 2nd edition. (It’s an interesting tradeoff, but it doesn’t reflect 3e’s assumptions very well.)

Game Group

Gameday 01/14/2005 (Friday)

Does anyone have a problem showing up this week? Is there anything that we need to do before Friday? [Dad: What would you like for us to do? Is there any information you need us to bring or email before the session?]

I’m thinking another 6:30 start is the plan. Hopefully we’ll be ready to roll– I enjoyed last week and am already eager for another.

Bookmark this and check in each week to keep everyone informed. Thanks.

Game Group

Gameday 01/07/2005

So, it looks like we’ll be playing on Friday nights for a few weeks. So far, it looks like everyone can make it Friday night. We’ll start around 6:30pm.

Does anyone have any questions or things to straighten out before Friday? Anyone have problems with showing up Friday? Please respond in thread.
