Game Group

Next Game: Sunday Sept. 11th

Right now, the next game we have planned is for September 11th. Kev, your Birthday’s the next day (right?)– are you free to game?

This weekend is certainly a weekend off; happy Labor Day everyone! Zack will be in town (on Monday the 5th, probably), so we’ll probably schedule something with him a night or three. If you have suggestions, they’re good for this thread too.

Until we dice again…

Game Group

August 28th Game

Right now it looks like we’re on schedule for a game next Sunday, though Jennifer will miss part of the game for a seminar. On to the Dragon Coast!

(We’ll try to get the loot list typed up during the week.)

Game Group

D&D: August 21, 2005

Right now, the plan’s for the normal game at the normal time. Everybody ready?

Game Group

Possible Game: August 15th

Last week’s adventure was the return to the capital and much item upgrading. At the end, we had a solid lead– a bookseller on the Dragon Coast might have information about the void woundings. We’ve made arrangements to lead a group of ships through the blockage… and to report in by spell every three days. Prepare for sail!

Tricia may be celebrating her birthday Sunday, so we’ll listen to Kev as to whether the game is this weekend or next.

Game Group

Next Game: Sunday August 7th

We hit eighth level last week, so everyone has skill and stat points to distribute. Let us know if you’ll have trouble making it.

Jennifer and I will go through and try to total up sale bait and sort through the stuff we’ve gathered, so we can distribute everything out where it’ll be useful.

Game Group

Next Game: Sunday July 31st

Well, we found a way to sneak in another day of gaming, even if we had to push the month to 31 days to squeeze it in. Same drill as normal– we’re assuming 2pm and everyone can make it. Let us know if that’s not true.

I don’t think there’s anything else tricky going on; no leveling, and a lot of huddling in the swamp, preparing to inflict more damage on the advancing legions of Sembia.

Game Group Misc

Help with sign ins

Dad has been complaining about the same typekey login problem that Kev has. Here’s what I think’s going wrong, based on my use of his computer & account.

When you want to comment
1) Click sign in
2) After it takes you to the typekey page, hit login. (If it doesn’t keep your name/password, re-enter those then hit login).
3) You’ll be returned to the website, but it won’t look like you can comment. Don’t hit sign in again! Instead, hit refresh.
4) You should get the comment box. Happy commenting!

Game Group

Next D&D Game: Sunday July 24th

July 16th and 17th, we’re being joined by Chris, Dave, and Misty for a weekend of board gaming and Happy Dragon. Regular gaming should resume Sunday July 24th.

If you’ve got any thoughts, timing issues, or the like, let us know. We hit 7th level, huzzah. Level up and be ready for more gaming goodness.

Game Group

Upcoming Game: Sunday July 10th

I hope everybody has a good 4th of July weekend! I’m looking forward to the fresh air and three days off… it should be a very nice break. Hope your sparklers are bright.

The following weekend is Sunday July 10th. Kev, it looks like your observation was correct– there’s not enough interest in Shadowrun, particularly not enough to continue without Trish. Fortunately, Dad says that the last few weeks of thinking about a character and playing with concepts has recharged his batteries, and he’ll be ready to pick up the D&D game come that Sunday.

Does 2 pm work for everyone? Is there anything else we need to work out?

Game Group Roleplaying

Shadowrun campaign talk

Ok guys and gals, the other thread I just started the ‘News in the Shadows’ thread is going to be a fairly constantly updated thread with the various headlines and basic shadow related info your chars would find out about during the week, either on news nets, shadowland bbs, or word of mouth from their chummers.

I’m going to ask that you try to check here Friday or Saturday each week, basically to keep yourself (and your character up to date on going on’s). If you don’t check, then your character is not keeping up on the news so you may have to rely on word of mouth from the rest of the group.

I’ll use this as the thread for the out of character info/talk as we go thru the game. So check back here often.