DnD FATE Games Roleplaying

Random gaming update

Make a 4e Druid from a Fey Pact Warlock.
Earthdawn is being released as a 4e world setting
Mount clarifications
Chatty reports on the new catalog spilling that Players Handbook 2 will include Druid, Barbarian, Sorcerer, and Bard classes (eight in all). New races will include the gnome, the half-orc, and the Goliath.

Starblazer Adventures is preordering.
Triple Ace Games is a Pulp RPG publisher.
Actual Play of SotC:
The Revenge of Zombie Kong and the Lightning Zombies
Hadrian Helm and Johnny Stripes vs. the Evil Earth
Spirit of the Century presents: Revenge of the Tyrian Deathlord!
Centurion Science Heroes vs. the Murder Nation

Tailoring the plot obstacles to the PCs is an Eigen plot
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen is returning to print. (It’s supposed to be a lot like a freeform version of Once upon a Time.)
Advice on pacing: one of the hardest things to get right in a game.

Random Acts of Senseless Violence is supposed to be an excellent and disturbing book by Jack Womack. (It’s hard to find– the library doesn’t have it.)

Chris points to good advice from Lester Chan to ensure that you don’t fill up your wordpress revision table.

This is a great example of humility over on Rhubarb Pie.