Game Group Roleplaying

Next Game: Hopefully Memorial Day Weekend

Since days & times are up in the air, here’s a thread for figuring out when we can meet next. Everybody, say “Arrr!” with me. UPDATE: So, Monday’s the plan. Ben suggests an early start… say, 10 or 11 am. Does that work for you?

Since days & times are up in the air, here’s a thread for figuring out when we can meet next. Everybody, say “Arrr!” with me.

UPDATE: So, Monday’s the plan. Ben suggests an early start… say, 10 or 11 am. Does that work for you?

4 replies on “Next Game: Hopefully Memorial Day Weekend”

Well, Sunday night and friday night are out for us, Saturday i’m off at 4, and i’m off all day monday, so those are possible.

Well, Saturday is good for me, and so is Monday. Two thoughts though.

Saturday, while it will work might not be ideal. If we have been working on Jim’s pond most of the day, there may be some very tired folks.

Monday is my preference, but I would like to start early and spend some serious gaming time.

Of course, there is the third option of Saturday night and Monday. 🙂

Option 3 works for me, but I doubt it would be too popular with the rest of you.

I dont know about THAT early, maybe aim for noonish or so, how long do you think we would go?

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