DnD Game Group Roleplaying

Cormyr Game

Session Zero

  • We discussed the missions and objectives on offer
    • Politics: We’re done for the moment– Cormyr will have to suffer without our grand advice.
    • Back to the Black Cube dungeon– We’re not ready to enter Chaos…
    • Run and hide– not discussed, but should have been 😉
    • Continue delving for the secrets of Portals from the Portal War
  • We’re heading back to the dungeons below Pelor’s Abbey, returning to where we’d fled from last time– to find the documents on Portals and planes.
  • Much gearing up; a scroll of limited wish is our big “miscellaneous conditions” fix. Should be interesting…

Session One

  • We teleported back to the last room Kerith(Thats Erisorn!) clearly remembered… the room above the stair’s final descent to the great cavern where the battle went so poorly last time.
    • After much planning and buffing, an alarm spell (we think) alerted them two steps out of the room we’d teleported into. Our plan was slightly out of whack– we pushed forward.
    • Draifen and Kerith(Erisorn) unleashed flame on them before they could scatter, taking out a few and weakening others. Of course a few (with Red Dragon blood and rings of fire immunity) were unscathed.
  • Ludwig and Kogor closed, trying to disrupt their spell casters. That didn’t work very well…
  • Timestop!
    • After that moment, we started to mop up. As things turned our way, a Forcecage shackled Kerith(Erisorn) and Ludwig.
    • Thinking quickly, Kerith(Erisorn) got up an Antimagic screen, which disrupted the Force cage. Ludwig stepped out and finished off the Mage’s ally.
    • Meanwhile, Kogor pursued an archer firing from the rocky high ground.
    • Draifen did her best to interrupt the Mage with a Magic Missile… unfortunately, his skill showed through and he got his feeblemind off. Fortunately, Kerith’s(Erisorn’s) faith protected him…
    • While Kogor finished the archer, Draifen and Ludwig worked on the archmage.
    • Before we could rest, a strange and ghostly woman approached us, giving Kogor and Kerith(Erisorn) the stink eye.
    • When Kerith(Erisorn) approached, screen still up, the woman disappeared.
    • Kerith(Erisorn) dropped the screen, but she didn’t reappear.
  • Looted the bodies.
    • A secret door in the rockface stymied us for a while…
    • Til Draifen knocked, and the tunnel opened. It was narrow.
    • We went through, into a wide, tall hall, filled with doors. The doors have arcane sigils over them…
  • End Session. We leveled.

Session Two

  • We continued on into the complex.
  • The doors were labeled with flashing symbols. We eventually figured out that the symbols are destination announcements, flashing through many languages.
    • The six portals are: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Law/Abyss, and Chaos/?
    • Beyond this corridor was the pool of portals to various cities in the realms
    • At the far end of the pool’s room were a pair of staircases
      • Kogor led sneakily, followed by his companions
    • We heard sounds from one staircase
      • Investigation reveals: 3 Thayan wizards and 4 Thayan knights. We arrive as a wizard is casting an open portal spell…
      • We let them go through without disturbing them, despite temptation.
  • Return to top of stairs & continue exploring. Come upon foyer w/ 4 doors.
    • Three sound unoccupied, while the fourth has female voices
    • Try to bluff our way in (Kogor posing as Red Wizard), but fail
    • Fight! They are (relatively young) Lich and the ghost-girl from last session.
      • Much firepower is dumped on them; the room’s firey, but the two are down and dead.
      • Investigation reveals their personal loot + concealed magical black pearl
      • Smash the pearl to release the corruption. Sadness for our casters, as it was a pearl of power (though corrupt).
      • Sounds from the hallway– soldiers?
    • We parlay; they aren’t buying our stories.
      • They cloudkill the corridor, Erisorn blade barriers along their hallway. Deadly.
      • Draifen follows up with a fireball, toasting those who lingered near the intersection
    • By the time we follow up, those who survived the magical attacks fled (via spells and the sunken chamber to Thay)
    • A Fire Giant emerges from the fire portal
      • We parley more successfully, and find out how to use the portals
      • We watch as he continues on to Hades, awaited by Hellhounds.

Session Three

  • We backtrack and explore other paths.
  • We come upon a spiral stair heading up and down
  • Down we go
    • The first floor down had a library, protected by a necromatic field
    • Field dispelled by Draifen
    • Just off this room is a teleportation chamber, to another plane. (Chaos we later find out.)
    • The scrolls and books are too fragile to move and touch, but seem to be portal related.
  • The next floor down is a copy of the room above
    • Inhabited by our good friend, Mr. Black Dragon.
      • Mmm, nice roaring fire. Also, a secret door in the room.
    • Some wary conversation
      • Dragon went back to chaos to look for allies, found none
      • We brought him up to date on our hunt (and why we’re here)
      • He hints at occupants of the floor below
  • Despite being a bit tired, we continue down to the next floor
    • We’re hit at the stairs; a repulsion field goes up
    • By some luck, Erisorn and Ludwig each break through the repulsion field and start smacking the casters around, while Kogor sucks up a disintigration beam (barely!) and retreats to hide.
    • The battle’s soon done, the two casters are dead. One reverts to a black dragon wyrmling.
  • The room has archives (public plans, no secret doors) and wine.
    • We hunt for a secret door & find a secret hallway, no local access
      • However, we think that stairs from the Dragon’s room above exist behind that room’s secret door
      • A crypt is reported…
  • We also come across a few cool items
    • A jar with some wheat puzzles Kogor for a while
    • An urn with 13 faces tells its story. It came from a faraway kingdom…
  • We decide to bed down here

Session Four

  • Erisorn heard a grinding sound behind the wall on last shift of night watch
  • Then everyone wakes up in the room at the foot of the stairs
    • Draifen was a bit drained; suspicion leapt to the new 13 headed vase
  • (Up to preserve the books? Or was that later?)
  • We packed up and headed up the stairs to Black Dragon room
    • He wasn’t there; the fire was burned out, no one home
    • We go through the secret door and head down the stairs, ready for an ambush
      • There are foot steps leading down the dusty stairs
    • We come upon a burial complex room
      • We skip the effigies, find a secret door to the room beyond
  • The room is alive! But the people inside aren’t, not really…
    • Wake first guy by smacking wall w/ shock sword
      • Room appears sympathetically connected to hibernating people
    • Long chat with first guy to wake: he was a “Royal Mage” from the portal mage era
      • He was also evil and tried to mentally hitch a ride
      • He told us that 7 mages are required to get into the library above
      • Tales of division among their ranks makes them sound less than noble
    • Erisorn decided that their trying to evade death would piss off Kelmvor, so he took matters into his own hands
      • Death to the talker
      • Which resulted in a banshee wail that drove Kogor and Draifen from the room
      • Leaving Erisorn and Ludwig to crack open the other caskets and end the unlife of the others
      • Plus extensive loot, as they were powerful men in their own right
  • Finished, we regroup, explore the dead end, then head up the stairs to Black Dragon’s room
    • ?? Back down to the basement?
    • Then up the stairs, to try to figure out if the library’s protections are already broken…

Session Five

  • We debate resting, to recoup our strength, but decide that it’s not necessary for the library
    • So we go up the stairs and find the proper level
    • Some exploration: there’s a pit trap that we skirt.
    • There’s a cave in the back and a magically concealed door
      • Kogor heads into the cave and scouts
      • The rest of the group approaches, while Erisorn keeps an eye on the stairway behind us
    • We see daylight coming into the cave… and hear the beating of wings
      • It’s a pair of black dragons! One is familiar… is the other his mate?
      • Big black dragon is our “friend”
        • We banter with him, but it’s clear he’s looking for a snack
        • He sicks his “date” on us, we retaliate massively
      • Fight; Ludwig holds off big black solo, while Kogor takes on the female, with artillery support and buffing from Draifen and Erisorn
        • Erisorn’s elementals help distract the dragons slightly
        • Kogor, already weakened earlier that day, is killed by the female
      • Who expires on the next blow dealt…
        • Erisorn dashes into danger and heals Ludwig
        • While Draifen protects them with a Fire Shield
      • Ludwig smashes big black, who teeters on the edge of life…
        • But dies as his tail swipes a fire shielded elemental
    • Victorious, they debate resurrection, but realize that they don’t have the right tools on hand.
      • They hear goblins pass and decide to explore the level above
      • They soon realize that Kogor’s trap finding would be awfully handy for exploring those tunnels
      • They stuff Kogor in a bag of holding, gather the few items the dragons had, and teleport back to town
    • The arrive in Erisorn’s temple
      • They present the heads of their two dragons to the temple
      • They cough up gold and platinum to get Kogor restored to them
      • He returns from the dead, a bit weakened…
  • END SESSION. Characters level to 15.

Session Six

  • We’re in the temple, where Kogor has just been raised from the dead.
    • He adds his donation to the other gifts in thanks
    • He then heads into Kelmvor’s sanctum and quietly thanks Kelmvor.
    • Once that’s all taken care of, we set out for the coronation
      • The coronation? Yeah, a King has been picked.
        • By unfair means, we all suspect
      • We watch the speech. The king is Stanis, the former king’s cousin.
        • Ludwig catches sight of a Red Wizard in the room behind the balcony.
        • Stanis is mildly enchanted w/ charisma enhancers, but doesn’t seem to be evil or suffering from mind control.
        • Erisorn notices several powerful evil and magical auras through the curtain as the King returns through the curtain.
      • We’re joined by Steel Dragon mid speech.
    • When the speech is done, we head to an inn for a private talk.
      • Just as we’re getting relaxed and ready to speak, a runner comes from the guild.
      • Scuttlebutt says that Kostrick, Maerbourne, and Jendra were the council’s votes for Stannis.
        • Which doesn’t make much sense, given Jendra’s opposition…
      • We follow the guild runner and have a private talk w/ the Captain.
        • Draifen shows off with her Secure Shelter.
        • The Captain’s unhappy with the situation, wants us to represent the guild at the coronation two days hence.
        • We agree, and hint that there may be some investigating before then.
    • We’re dismissed. We return to the Steel Dragon and share our concerns.
    • We split up
      • Erisorn teleports north to Jendra’s castle.
        • The Viscount is away, negotiating with the elves. His oldest son is holding the castle. (He’s surprised at the vote, since he should have cast his family’s vote!)
      • Draifen goes to Jendra and gets the run around from the butler.
        • She blinks through the house and notices extensive dust…
        • She also notices the butler reporting in… to someone who isn’t in the room
      • Ludwig goes to Yurlada and arranges a meeting with their representative over the butler’s objection.
        • After some hinting, it’s clear that Jendra was the family the voted very against type.
        • Kogor talks with Lorens and doesn’t learn a whole bunch new.
    • Erisorn teleports back with Jendra’s son.
    • We regroup and plan.
    • The Dragon’s Talons hit the Jendra house from both ends.
      • We pursue and catch the butler just before he makes it to the stables. (Via his hidden passage.)
      • The butler’s no normal butler– caustic blood flows from his pores. (Chaosian anyone?)
      • Stabby stabby and he’s soon knocked out by Kogor’s sap.
    • We head back to the butler’s room and look for clues.
      • Someone checks in (via the mirror), but we don’t know the password, tipping them off. They shut down the conversation.
  • General planning: do we want to infiltrate the castle? Some discussion about crowning the guy elected king vs. the crowned king. We know it’s bad PR either way…

Post Session 6 Planning

  • Couple of ideas to think about…first Kogor (and Draifen?) use disguise and pop in at various inn’s, meeting halls etc to spread the word that the whole thing is a fraud, get rumors running rampant about Thayans/Chaosians and the Kostrick and Maebourne are up to no good. Not standing on a soap box yelling it but just joining the conversations and ‘I heard ….’ While appearing as just normal towns folk, NOT recognizable as themselves.
    • Meanwhile I’ll be spending some time in the Temple of Kelmevor, scrying for the elder Jendra, and for the other head of house…Yurlada I think, try to get them all teleported back to the capital in time.
    • From there, I’m not sure if a stealth strike into the castle to try to kill the Thayans and Chaosians before the coronation, or just walking in in force just before the coronation and denounce it for the fraud that it is. I’m thinking the Dragons Talons walking in with the heads of three households and their council reps saying “we never voted for this” might throw a kink into the plans…. but it really puts us on the spot, have to be ready for a knockdown drag out fight if they resist. — Kev
  • That sounds pretty good so far; I’d add that Ludwig makes an excellent bodyguard / diplomat to the various heads of household that Erisorn rustles up. (Starting with the Jendra we’ve already got.)
    • I particularly like the “go out as not the dragon’s talons” and spread rumors plan. I don’t think it’s going to do a whole bunch before the fight, but it might help set expectations for the derailed coronation.
    • I also like the “walk in with the three heads of household” part of the plan. I fully expect things to go crazy if we do…
    • Do we want to investigate the castle before hand? I’m guessing we’ll need to sneak the three heads of household in– otherwise they might be killed at the front gate as impostors. (Though, alternately, we could have the confrontation on the doorstep, which prevents us from being completely inside the Castle and under the false king’s power when they announce the lie.) — Scott

Session Seven

  • We decide to get a hold of all the families, make sure that they’re not also infiltrated
  • First to Lorens
    • We have a nice soup with Brailford… poison soup, but we all survive
    • Hot pursuit; we catch and kill the Chaosian infiltrator (who was also escaping to the stables…)
      • Meanwhile, Kogor fought some smoke elementals that seemed eager to cover the crime
      • Also, the place was set on fire
    • We collect and protect Brailford, head over to Yurlada’s house
    • Duchess Orioku proves competent and commanding
    • We head to the temple; representatives of the 3 houses put their heads together
      • After some pressure, they come up with a nominee for King…
  • They come up with Bronowyn Lorens… who we need to go pick up. (Yeah, a Queen. No one said they followed directions well.)
    • We head there and find an attack in progress– a huge giant of Chaos is trudging toward the Queen Elect’s room
    • Ludwig does his thing, charging up the stairs and maiming the critter badly
      • The critter’s presence threatens to scramble Ludwig’s brain, the “spindle” it wields does more of the same. It’s also armed with a chaos-disruptor…
    • Kogor leaps ahead, around the fight, to secure the Queen Elect
    • Meanwhile, another chaos critter appears; Draifen and Erisorn start mangling it
      • Though Erisorn’s brain gets scrambled in the process
    • A third appears before we put down the threat completely
  • We ride back to Kelmvor’s temple by coach
    • St. Radam is overwhelmed by temptation when offered the chaos-disruptor
      • He tests it on a prisoner, disintegrates him, then asks for another prisoner!
    • We “persuade” Radam to set the weapon aside
  • Together with the nobility, we start planning an announcement of the queen elect
    • We also decide that we need to start the rumors of a botched/forced election immediately, so the people are prepared for the coronation to derail

Session Eight

  • This report will is noticeably spotty… if you remember more, please add it to the outline.
  • Research and discussion; discuss laws and plot alternate site for conflict
    • We find out there’s a custom/obligation to pray at the Cathedral for Pelor (or other, FR appropriate god)
    • The books with the laws of the land are stored in vaults below the Cathedral
    • Erisorn and Ludwig head over to the temple to prepare for a future
    • While Draifen and Kogor get to the rumor spreading, heading for the bars
  • Erisorn and Ludwig go in to the temple
    • They note that the main hall is pretty empty; not even a priest is in sight
    • Though one appears when they get close to the priest area
    • After discussion, they’re led and meet the Archbishop
      • They tell him about the rigged elections
      • They head down to the basement
      • They find out about that the false King’s going to be here… Erisorn goes for reinforcements
    • Erisorn swings by the three families in the Temple and get them in motion for the confrontation
  • Kogor heads out and starts spreading rumors, with Draifen as backup
    • The rumors soon start spreading on their own
      • The rumors include both “false election” and “good surprise coming” elements
    • So Kogor wanders into enemy aligned districts, drinks and spreads rumors
      • It goes pretty well; he leaves feeling successful…
    • As Erisorn arrives and suggests the rumor spreading should be cut short– they have an appointment with the false King
      • Until they are ambushed by a nasty demon critter as they head back for their horses
      • Tough fight; the PCs eek it out and ride to the Cathedral
    • Their allies, the representatives of the three families, including the newly selected queen, are running about 10 minutes late.

Session Nine

  • We gather near the stairs and prepare to escort our Queen and the Bishop to meet with the duplicitous rebels
  • We arm and march on the rebels
    • The second floor is trapped, with a slow like spell. The stairs up to three are spike stoned.
    • We hit the third (top) level of the Cathedral. There’s a nasty fight.
      • Several bad guys get away; via teleports, dimension doors, and the like
      • The archbishop is killed in the fight, by the vampiric Haellaine Kostrick
    • Faux king Stanis surrenders and is captured
    • We lead him to the stairs in front of the Cathedral
      • He lies (proclaims his election) and is konked by Ludwig
    • The queen is introduced and announces her election
      • The other heads of house step up and verify her election
      • (She promises rewards for our heroic service, the raising of some houses, and casting down of others.)
  • There is cheering; the word is carried by the mob.

Session 10

  • The next morning is sweet
    • Tomorrow, the Queen will be crowned
    • As we get in motion, we hear a spooky voice
      • The voice is Despater’s, challenging us and telling us that it’s all over
    • In warps a Spellweaver
      • It eats spells like candy, but is also very tough.
        • (Lots of OOC chatter about the critter and its abilities.)
      • With buffs from Draifen and Erisorn, Kogor and Ludwig whittle the creature down and kill it
  • We taunt Despater, who asks us if we’ll have a Queen to crown tomorrow…
    • So, after some discussion (are we doing what he wants?), we head to the Queen
      • She’s happy relying on guards and keeping herself apart from those of us with big targets on our foreheads…
    • We convince her to issue us a writ of blood & fire, so we can clear out the rival families
      • Off to the castle we go
      • We present housekeeping and the guards with the writ; they offer their assistance
    • We tromp off to investigate the council chambers
      • There’s a nasty mirror, set to hurt investigators
      • There’s some paperwork, but nothing too damning. Until we stumble on a secret door…
        • In the secret entrance to the council chambers lies Count Crandor Jendra, bound and dehydrated
        • We restore him and have him led back to the Queen, so he can tell his tale
    • We then head upstairs to the rooms of the five families
      • The allied rooms aren’t a big deal
      • Kostrick’s room has a secret compartment with a Phylactery
      • Stanus’s room has a searcher who we catch with papers in hand.
        • She surrenders, proclaiming her innocence. We’ll drag her off to see the Queen… at our convenience.
      • Maerbourne’s room has a contract for the soul of the faux King, and a communication coin
  • We decide that we have enough, and plan on returning to the Queen (or her staff) to report.

Session 11

  • We finish scouting through the rooms.
    • Kogor is killed by a death ward in the process.
      • As are several servants…
  • On completing the scouting, they collect the prisoner and Crandor Jendra. They head back to the temple.
  • They have Kogor raised and have a chat with St. Radam about getting the Archbishop up for the next day’s ceremonies.
    • He promises to have the archbishop ready in the morning.
  • We then convene before the Queen and report what we found
    • She’s happy to have Crandor restored
    • She asks our prisoner questions
      • Our prisoner tries to evade a number of them, prompting Erisorn to comment on the convenience of speaking with the dead…
    • When she wakes up from he get a few answers; the three families have rallied on the plane of Chaos. No, she doesn’t know where the portal is…
    • The prisoner is removed from the room and we finish briefing the Queen
  • We divide up and rest, preparing for the morning
    • Kogor spends the night in prayer, thanking Kelmvor for returning him to his friends once again
      • Morning dawns…
  • Erisorn goes to make sure St. Radam’s raising the Archbishop. He catches Radam in the middle of the ceremony.
    • The queen accepts us among her honor guard
    • In a whirlwind of preparation the morning passes… we’re soon off to the Cathedral
    • We ride, protecting the Queen’s carriage. The route through the city offers no problems…
      • We break from the pack and pull up behind the Cathedral… along with a troop of Purple Dragons.
    • The attack springs out of nowhere; blobs of slimers with exploding goop attack
      • They’re dealt with, though their dying is more deadly than their attacks…
        • The archbishop kept low during the attack… evidently his brush with death made him cautious
  • We head in, positioning ourselves near (but not on top of) the Queen
    • After a few nervous moments, they’re ready for the crowning.
    • Which we interrupt, restoring the Wyvern Crown of Corymr to the Queen
      • She mentions our heroism, and grants us gifts of land from her own family
    • We adjourn and report for the par-tay!
      • After a great evening, we return to our rooms… and find a note from Despater.
  • “You have won this battle… but I will win the war.”

Session 12

  • Three days after the coronation, we get an urgent, “There’s trouble on the Dragon Coast” message
  • So we pack up and walk through the portal to the Dragon Coast
    • The portal has been secured and guarded
    • We head to the Steel Dragon’s shop
  • The Steel Dragon confides his young king’s condition
    • He’s in a mindless, drooling state… after, evidently, casting a strange spell
    • Draifen IDs the school; it’s a twist on divinitation
    • The king begins speaking as if he’s someone else
      • We listen and take notes, deciding that these Knights of Tyranny are bad news
        • Among other things, they’re preparing a strike & rumor mongering campaign in the Dragon Coast
      • The mage guy, whose eyes we’re looking through, finishes up by chopping the head off of one of the knights
    • The king’s observation is suddenly cut off, so Erisorn reinforces that w/ anti-magic
      • We get filled in on what happened; the king’s completely coherent w/in the field
      • Erisorn makes an argument for using the king as a link to the Mage foe, to Mr. Steel’s consternation
    • The anti-magic ends
      • We keep it short, and mime out a blast through the link. The mage panics and cuts the connection completely, restoring the king.
  • With the King restored, we decide to return to the palace and meet the man who taught him the spell…
  • But we’re interrupted by a protest/mob, who have been riled up by agitators
    • Ludwig makes a speech about rabble rousers and trust, breaking their hold over the crowd
    • Erisorn borrows Ludwig’s ring and flies off, tracing an agitator back to an inn
      • He invisibly follows the agitator and beats on him at key times, convincing him to run away
      • He swaps off and takes on the inn contact
        • Some amusing complications later, he takes the woman out into the street and starts abusing her He demonstrates that she’s a he, and uses the ring to illustrate the perfidy of the Kingdom’s foes.
      • Soon he’s leading a procession to the castle, showing off the foes and preaching against listening to rumor mongers
        • A storm blows in to cut short his fun
  • Meanwhile, the other three talons are follow up on the girl’s uncle, the man who taught the king the trapped spell
    • They’ve cleared out of their front house, leaving behind only a scrap of color shifting cloak that caught on a nail in the door…
  • We meet back in the castle, enjoy a dinner with the king, and prepare to follow the cloak back to its source
    • Scry, see the mage alone, and teleport in. Just as someone’s knocking on the door, not that we can hear that…
    • The mage dies quickly. The two knights at the door take more effort, but go down. The castle’s rallying to the battle however…
      • We fight off the first skirmish group, and soon close on the festal hall
      • Draifen plans a stone melting fireball spread over the corridor entrance
    • The slaughter is impressive; many Mages managed to escape, but those who closed on us exploded prettily.
      • The rest escaped.

Session 13

  • We explore the remnants of the hall; it seems to border on Chaos, but it isn’t Chaos itself.
    • We eventually figure out that it’s just north of Waterdeep
  • After some fun with the statue of Despater, a negotiator starts speaking through a tapestry in the hall
    • He’s Despater’s representative
    • We agree to talk with Despater
    • Despater’s “scribe” comes through– some big Preying Mantis demon
  • Despater appears
    • We talk; he tells us that the Plane of Chaos collision is something he wants to undo himself…
      • But that he’d need the assistance of our gods
    • We also bitch about each other’s actions
    • He claims his slain lieutenants and their gear, but we dispute it
      • Solomon like, he winds up with the lieutenants and we wind up with the gear
  • He tells us to show up tomorrow with our gods
    • We remind him we don’t command our gods, but do agree to show up with a message
    • He vanishes (probably back to his plane), with his lieutenants’ dead bodies and his scribe
    • We wander out, locate the area, study it for teleportation
  • Then we return to Corymyr
    • Erisorn rounds up St. Radam and they start to pray
    • Ludwig goes to the Castle to let the Queen know what’s going on… but she’s not free
      • So he drops off the goods for IDing, and asks to have his armor enchanted… by tomorrow.
      • It is agreed
    • Draifen communes with the dragons in her head
    • Kogor informs the Arch Bishop, who prays for guidance
    • Eventually Ludwig meets with the Queen and other powerful members of court. He dissuades her from coming, but accepts help from the knight.
  • None of the gods say they’ll show up
    • It sounds like they don’t trust Despater…
  • We prepare up for betrayal. Tomorrow, noon, is the meeting.

Game Recap:
We began by returning to the discussion with the Steel Dragon and his young prince. We discussed our decision to investigate the town of the portal mages; he though we’d have better things to do. We did hear some new information, including the fact that Chaos rifts were appearing back in the Dragon Coast too. In fact, he was concerned enough that he chose to leave the prince in Cormyr to negotiate a response, while he was returning that very night to coordinate defenses. (There was an amusing moment where we checked to make sure he didn’t want the Dragon’s Talons to watch his prince. He mentioned something about the danger we live in, and we all breathed a quiet sigh of relief that he wasn’t entrusting the prince to us.)

Our scaly friend was opinionated; evidently his information from spies indicated a little new information. He didn’t think that Jendra was so wonderful; he suggested that Jendra and the priests of Kelemvor might have allied. So there’s a thread to investigate there. Also, he mentioned that he thought that someone within the Necromancer’s household wasn’t just involved with death– he suggested that they were undead. [At this, we breathed a sight of relief at Kev’s absence, since we suspected that we’d shift tasks again to deal with this. Dad reassured us that he’s prepared for that eventuality, but we were happy continuing on to the portal town.]

Oh, last Dragon friend opinion; none of the contending men are worth spit. Look into the women of the lines.

So, the Talons all planned for a little excursion to the never-before completely explored ruins of the great Portal Mae empire. As we were about the leave, Saint Radem’s assistance caught Erisorn and drug him off to attend to letter coordination and such joys. The other three weren’t too worried; since Erisorn has done the scry/teleport thing, they just told him to join us whenever he gets a chance.

Since we were going to be without a cleric, there was a round of shopping– lots of healing potions were purchased. We also picked up a pair of bags of holding, since we’re now light in ability to carry mountains of copper. With that, we rode off to the north.

At the end of a light day’s ride, we got to the little hamlet. The local barkeep was a fountain of information, and his wife was a masterful cook, somehow taking uninspiring cooking supplies and making something tasty. Kogor and Ludwig practiced a bit, drawing quite a crowd. As they reached a break point, a local lad showed off his father’s sword and asked for tips. Kogor and Ludwig had a talk with him, telling him of their humble beginnings. They mentioned obligation and family, but the boy was undeterred. Kogor wrote the boy a brief introduction and gave him directions to the mercenary company. Later the boy’s parents came and harangued the warriors, but admitted that their son had always been unusually excited by war, etc. Ludwig gave them coin to help them hire help for the first season of their son’s absence.

There was a comical scene of Ludwig taking a bath and the innkeeper’s daughter peeking under the curtains.

The next morning, the Talons set off up the road to the abbey. [Sidenote: Pelor’s priests built an abbey over the old town. No one has gone to join the abbey in centuries; it’s a ruin.] Along the way they were stopped by elves. Evidently they had tasked themselves (or been tasked) with protecting the ruin from people who would steal the secrets for their own good. Ludwig spoke truthfully and persuaded them to let us pass. In an act of arrogance, Kogor and Ludwig vanished, intending to make the point that stopping for this “interview” was mere formality. Of course, that wasn’t the message received… but Draifen talked them down and we continued along.

[Sidenote: we could have taken a turnoff, through a canyon, to enter a few hundred feet below the abbey. To ensure that we wouldn’t be in the middle of a sandwich, we chose to continue up to the top.] When we reached the top of the hill, there was an exposed stair headed down and the abbey. Not wanting to allow bad guys to follow behind us, we investigated the abbey. It was tumbledown ruin; a nasty watchman harassed Ludwig, but we chased him back to his hidey hole and covered it with big stones.

From there we went down the outside stairs, into what turned out to be a crypt. Having learned our lessons about strange sarcophagi, we continued into the tunnels. The way grew narrower and the stone less finished as we ended the session. [XP earned = 1300.]

Cormyr Politics

Major Houses of the High Court of Cormyr

Kostrick: The Royal House of Kostrick is the closest line to the throne. Prince Dalam Kostrick, age 71, is the uncle to the late king. (There is a nasty rumor that he is a necromancer and is slightly crazy) His wife is the Prince’s Consort Haellaine Kostrick, (nee Deal) age 60 who was a sensual, pale beauty in her younger days, but not much given to entertaining or socializing . She is now almost a total recluse. Dalam’s eldest son, Stanis, age 43, is the individual who this family is attempting to put on the throne of Cormyr. He has a half-brother Radholme Kostrick age 39 from his father’s dalliance with Sylaena Elantorae before she was the wife of Alender Stanus. The Kostick family lands are vast and scattered with the major holdings surrounding the capitol.

Stanus: A minor house but with ancestral ties to the throne. Its head is Viscount Alender Stanus age 57 whose wife, Viscountess Sylaena Stanus (nee Elantorae), a 137 year old half-elf, seems to be the real power of the family. They have one son, Trandor Stanus age 36 who is an up-and-coming power in his own right. If there is any conflict between the two related families, it is the fact that Trandor seems to be a stronger candidate for the throne. Trandor’s birth into a minor house is the only obstacle that keeps him from announcing his candidacy for supreme ruler of Cormyr and tearing the alliance to shreds. The Stanus holdings are sandwiched between the Kostrick, Lorens and Yurlada domains.

Maerbourne: The House Maerbourne is lead by Lord Admiral Andaro Maerbourne, a 46 year old shipping magnate who recently inherited the noble title Lord Admiral of the Oceans and the control of the house Maerbourne when his father was lost at sea. There is some rumor that the old admiral met his fate in a somewhat suspicious way. He had been sailed with the Maerbourne shipping fleet and, on a calm night, apparently fell overboard and was never seen again. Andaro is not a suspect in the disappearance since he was at home in the family manor when the old admiral was lost at sea. Since that time Andaro, who was thought to be a confirmed batchelor, has been seen in the company of Freritha, a beautiful wizard and an influential member of the mage guild. He has also shifted alliances from the Yurladas to the Kostrick/Stanis Families. The Maerbourne family’s holdings are in the capital itself, although the Maerbourne fortune is so vast as to be almost incalculable.

Jendra: Count Crandor Jendra, 44, is the head of the Jendra Clan, a paladin and Dragon Disciple. His holdings are in the north woods bordering the Elven kingdoms to which he has both economic and political as well as emotional ties. Crandor has 2 sons, Laith Jendra a 22 year old paladin and the ambassador to the High Court of Cormyr when his father is unavailable. Laith has a younger brother, Damon and an influential cousin, Farshall Jendra with whom he often keeps company. Crandor’s wife died just after giving birth to Damon 19 years ago.

Yurlada: The old and influential family of Yurlada with holdings bordering Sembia, is lead by Duke Senith Yurlada a 67 year old aristocrat. He is power hungry and often conflicts violently with the Jendra Clan. Dutchess Orioku Yurlada (nee Kinoshia) is a slim, 143 year old elf who seems to follow the druidic ways. She is the ambassador to the High Court of Cormyr. Since there is often a need for the other families to unite to blunt the power of the Stanus/Kostrick Family, a more conciliatory approach to diplomacy is often needed than that of the Duke. As the apparent heir to the Yurlada title there is only a single child, a girl, Onoku, a 42 year old, heavy set half-elf who seems to follow in her mother’s druidic footsteps. At one time the Yurlada and Maerbourne families were united to stave off the threat of having the Kostrick and Stanus families. The latter attempted to use their relationship with the former king to gain influence and power on the council. Since the king’s death the house alliances have shifted and the Yurladas, Lorens and Jendra Families have made an uneasy truce and united to combat the new Kostrick/Sanus/Mearbourne threat.

Lorens: The newest house at the Court of Cormyr is the Lorens family from the area of the Hullack Forest. Raised to the high nobility by the former king, its head is Count Aldrade Lorens, a 53 year old diplomat. Other than the proclamation announcing the crown’s gratitude to the Lorens Family little is known about why the king elevated this family from its minor house status. Their domain runs from the Immerflow River to the Thunder River and from the Thunder Peaks to the Wyvernwater. Aldrade’s wife, Bronowyn (nee Silve) , age 49, seems to be a wonderful entertainer and hostess and most minor noble houses seem to flock to the Lorens House during festivities and holiday celebrations for that very reason. There is one son Brailford Lorins, age 33, who seems to be a serious threat to surpass his mother in comeliness and manner. He prefers living in Suzail, the capitol, rather than upon the family’s holdings in the forest.

The Lesser Council of Lords:

There are some 17 minor families which make up the lesser aristocracy of Cormyr, among them the Deals, Elanthoraes, the Silves and the Kinoshias. They are non-voting members of the Court known as the Lessor Council of Lords. Their lone representative on the High Court, Viscount Alender Sanus, serves only in an advisory capacity to the High Court of Cormyr.

The Ranks of the Nobility:Distaff member
The KingKing’s Consort*
High Court
PrincePrince’s Consort
Lesser Council

*In the distant past when Cormyr was ruled by Queens as well as Kings the distaff side was known as the Queen’s Consort. There has never been a Princess’ Consort.

Resources for our D&D game:

Our game group thread on llamafodder.

Links for D&D/d20 games from the website.

Kogor Online. I usually update him every level or two.

Game Group Roleplaying

New Republic Log

Session One

(Set one year after Endor)

  • Session opens with the four heroes on board an unmarked, barely armed YT-1300. They’re discussing their mission.
    • The mission: recconoiter six planets, get a general feel for the leanings towards the Rebellion and the Empire.
    • Target One: Barab 1. It’s the homeworld of the Barabel, a reptillian race with an aversion to hunting. Which makes sense, since they had been hunted until the Jedi put an end to it.
  • We discuss an approach strategy– a long orbit and careful surveillance to identify traffic is initially proposed. Everyone agrees that it’d be nice, but time is too short to do that for each of the planets on our list.
  • Instead we do a quick glance around the planet, then radio the comm tower and land. It is sunset around the spaceport– the time of maximum activity for the Barabel.
  • We break into two groups
    • Fex’t and Renkov talk to the pilots
    • Cameron and Kader will schmooze with the locals
  1. Fex’t and Renkov talk to local pilots
    1. The first guy they talk to tells them that this is a great place to wait while searches die out
    2. The dominant export, botanicals, is established.
    3. They’re not fond of imports at all
    4. Fex’t gets a lead on a junkyard, Crazy Zack’s, and takes off.
      1. Fex’t and Crazy Zack strike a deal, parts for a functioning landspeeder.
      2. Fex’t uses her skills and a mighty impressive speeder is soon running.
    5. Meanwhile, Renkov lines up a haulage job to the next planet
  2. Cameron and Kader head to an arena, where locals are shock boxing. They split up to cover more ground.
    1. Cameron makes his way near some Imperials, who seem a little slovenly.
      1. They are betting on the shock boxing. Cameron takes the commander’s advice and builds a rapport.
      2. They have a great time and leave the event pleased with the friendship that is forming
      3. Cameron makes a vague promise of help for the commander’s “broken TIE” problem
    2. Kader mingles with the locals
      1. He finds a skilled botanist– a radical
      2. The botanist is a genetic engineer, who learned his skills as a slave
      3. He encodes information in junk DNA of plants, so a leaf can be a memo
      4. They bond over local food, pictures of his plants, and the boxing
  • Fex’t installs its custom hydropondics project. Renkov walls it off from the rest of the hold with scrap metal from Zack’s.
  • Hours later Cameron drags Fex’t and Renkov over to fix the TIEs.
    • They do
      • Fex’t notices that there are some parts missing from the TIE fighter he is working on. In the course of the investigation it becomes apparent that someone has been stealing parts and selling them to Crazy Zack. following the “paper” trail the Commander discovers that his crew chief is the one stealing parts. He is confronted and eventually admits that he has been selling parts to make additional income. His thought was that, since the planet is so peaceful and there appears to be no real danger, that selling key parts that won’t be missed isn’t really so bad.
    • In the process, Fex’t installs a cutoff switch in the slightly enhanced TIE, ready for radio transmission.
    • Also, the TIE transmits a log of everything its sensors pick up to a general frequency.
    • We leave happy; Commander’s happy to be flying again, we have contacts and a 500cr run.

Session Two

  • Approaching world XXX, after exiting hyperspace from Barabel.
    • Scanners indicate more traffic
    • Scanners identify strange transmissions, hopping across frequencies.
      • KaderFirdazz identified the signals as Imperial propoganda, on a tight loop.
      • Copies are spooled to computer storage
  • Deciding not to rock the boat, the team requests landing clearance.
    • Kader scans the Imperial propoganda shuttle in passing, notes life signs
    • Fix’t plans a jamming satellite to disrupt the transmissions
    • RenkovGamb lands us safely and steadily, by the book.
  • CameronDietrich visits local bars, to hear the gossip.
    • He meets a good contact; Cameron tries to plant doubt about the Imperial propoganda.
  • Kader, Fix’t, and Renkov rent a hoversled and try to deliver the flowers
    • They come across a protest; two angry groups shouting– humans v. rodents.
    • The three decide to backtrack and pick a new path
      • Dun dun dun… the new path is clear, but for a few thugs.
      • The thugs have crew cuts and blasters, not your average thugs
    • A fight breaks out; Kader drops a couple, but the last gets in hurty blows against both Fix’t and Renkov before he’s dropped.
      • (More cool fight description can be added, if you like)
      • Fix’t’s gun attracts attention; Cameron drops his conversation and races to join the three
  • The three, hearing the angry mobs approaching, decides to retreat the way they came
    • Renkov sees (but doesn’t investiagate or act on) a flash from the roof
  • Cameron arrives on scene, about the same time as the mob.
    • The flash resolves into a sniper scope.
  • Blaster fire (from the sniper) sends the mob into violence
    • As the Ilthorians look around for a target fortunately (or not) Cameron finally appears and somehow finds himself in the middle of the croud. Suddenly another shot is fired from the ledge of the building taking down a couple of the rodents. Having seen the sniper pull his gun back Cameron runs across the street to the entrance of the building from which the shots were fired. He uses his vibroblade to cut around the door lock and enter the deserted lobby of the building. Cameron hears the sniper rushing down the stairs and hugs the wall closest to where the sniper will appear. As the sniper continues his breakneck descent of the stairs and finally appears Cameron takes a single stun shot on the sniper and puts him down. As he is searching the body he comes across a couple of grenades and takes those and the sniper rifle to the door
  • While the mob’s distracted and looking around, five brownshirts draw blasters to decimate the mob. Seeing this action from across the street Cameron fires at the brown shirts putting one down.
    • A gunfight ensues and Cameron finds himself out numbered and out gunned.
    • Cameron wisely calls for backup.
    • Meanwhile, Fix’t has fixed itself and Renkov.
  • The three flank the ambushers, who are distracted by Cameron’s fire.
  • A brief and nasty fight breaks out; the brownshirts fall to blaster fire and one of the grenades Cameron found.
  • As one of the brown shirts flees he shoots his wounded partner in the head and rushes around the corner. In chasing down another member Cameron leaves the grenade and utility belt and shoots the enemy as he is trying to carry his wounded partner to safety. Sniper regains consciousness picks up the grenade at lobs it at the heros. He is finally subdued
  • Fight over, group victorious and largely unwounded.
  • Three downed people (1 from each group) are loaded on the hover sled.
  • Group breaks into a dusty warehouse where Cameron and Renkov decide to get some answers.
  • Fix’t and Kader make the flower delivery to Ilthorian.
    • They get another angle on the recent conflict.
    • Fix’t gets a lead on some parts stores; leaves to make a trade for satellite tech.
    • Kader gathers a few rats to witness the confessions of the interrogation
  • Meanwhile, Cameron and Renkov get a few answers and a few lies.
  • Kader and Rats show up and hide while they confess.
  • They’re turned over to the Rats for revenge.
  • Meanwhile, Fix’t has traded for his satellite jammer components
  • All but Fix’t are worried about the divisions; an urgent report home seems necessary.

Session Three

(I waited way too long before writing– details have faded. Be our distributed brain!)

  • The PCs discuss options and responses
    • They decide that their mission is observation, so they’ll not interfere greatly
    • Everyone does stuff:
      • Fix’t prepares an audio broadcast satellite
      • Kader prepares a report urging immediate intervention
      • Courses are plotted, etc.
    • They lift off and hop away (1 hour microjump)
    • Transmit details of planet and appeal for immediate intervention
      • Plus, they hint that there’s more behind the moon… if you don’t hear from us, that’s what got us.
    • Hop back “off course”, behind the moon
    • See two assault shuttles & 1 modular capital ship
      • Scan w/ active sensors and get caught
      • Get threatened a bit; adjust course to avoid intercept
    • Descend to planet, kicking out the rebroadcasting audio satellite
    • Get minimal cargo (seeds) for hop to next planet
    • Depart
      • Cut scene: Twelve hours later, they finally find the sattelite (that’s been overwriting their audio tracks with Rat broadcasts) & pull it in. An officer from the ship starts to disassemble it… and gets a nasty shock.
  • We pop out of hyperspace… there’s a big rock in the shipping lanes
    • There’s also a fight going on
    • Rebel Alliance fighters vs. a gambling cruise ship
      • The ship is protected by three TIE fighters latched to the hull doing escort duty
    • We aid the ship
    • Much fighting; mostly the TIEs take out the raiders with us playing distraction
      • We hear the raiders transmissions all come from one “master ship”
    • Once the tide is turned, the cruise ship recalls the TIEs, leaving us to fight the remaining raiders alone
      • Fortunately, we convince the TIE to take a final shot, clearing the raiders away
      • The cruise ship ignores our data indicating the raiders are actually droids
    • We commence salvage
    • There’s some good stuff that we haul in (Cameron does most of it)
      • Including a cool ion cannon
    • But, in the process, we knock out our sensors

Session Four

    • (Session 3 discussion and recap)
  • The four approach the desert planet (Aduba 3) that’s next on their list
  • They land in a secure docking bay
  • Met by X and X2; report the pirate attack. X2 asks for the recording of the droid… everyone suspects he’s friendly with the imperials. Meanwhile, X slips Kader a note asking for a dinner meeting.
  • Everyone notices the posted sign: no blasters off the docking bay. They all comply.
    • Fix’t is shopping for parts and finds what he/she needs
      • Fix’t is harassed by an angry drunk human
      • Fix’t ignores the gibes as long as possible… then agrees to meet the thug outside
      • When Fix’t starts beating on him, the drunk pulls a knife
      • … that skitters off his carapace
      • Matching the escalation, Fix’t pulls out his pistol and shoots the drunk
      • As police quickly descend, Fix’t calls his friends for help
    • Meanwhile, Cameron and Kader head off to sell the seeds.
      • On the way to the buy, they notice a Scout Trooper on a rooftop. They warn Renkov.
      • They meet with the seed buyer, a human, and note his contempt for aliens. Plus he hints at a widespread movement to put them in their place.
      • Disgusted by his attitude, they turn away.
      • They go to an Ithorian, who meets them only because Kader mentions that they bought the seed from (X), the Ithorian from the previous planet.
      • They talk price, the Ithorian talks escape. Basically, he’ll pay them the same amount to get him out of the city as he’d pay for the seeds.
      • Reluctant to promise, Kader and Cameron let him know that they’ll look into it.
      • They discuss the (familiar) situation– broadcasts urging human supremecy, etc.
      • They also find out that it’s the new government that’s confiscating blasters.
      • As they’re returning to the ship, they get a Fix’t’s call.
  • Meanwhile, Renkov is preparing the sensor mount, when he hears a noise.
    • He investigates and spots a figure duck behind an air conditioning unit.
    • He shoots the guy with a stun round and hits the outstreched leg.
    • Renkov claims his target and drags him down the ladder
    • Guy wakes up and mentions the sniper behind Renkov
    • Guy is a local, etc.
    • Renkov gets the call to meet Fix’t. He locks up and goes.
  • Fix’t arrested, taken for questioning
  • Cameron heads to the station, Kader takes the parts back to the ship (? I think)
  • Fix’t is frustrating to interview; refuses to cop to random assault
    • Cameron shows and takes the accuser out for drinks
    • Cameron sets up a dinner meeting with hardass lieutenant
  • Renkov smuggles the scout trooper armor out to Cameron
    • Cameron dresses up & demands the prisoner’s release, refusing to sign forms
    • Fix’t walks out with the scary “Scout Trooper”
  • Dinner time; Cameron and Kader head out to their meetings.
  • Return to debrief
    • Kader reports that the few good people are being shoved aside
    • Cameron reports that corruption is widespread
      • Cameron proposes bribing the gov’t for Ithorian and other businesses

(return to NewRepublicAgents page)

Session Five

  • (Discussion and recap)
  • The group discusses their options
    • Renkov and Fix’t get to replacing the sensor suite and tying in the ion cannon
    • Kader and Cameron rent an enclosed land speeder
      • They grab the Ithorian and his stuff, take him out of town
      • On the way they encounter a large vehicle w/ lots of people
      • They alter course to avoid the ambush vehicle
      • Ambush vehicle pursues
      • Turn and face the pursuit
      • Cool repulsor lift to the hood of the ambush car scene; they go flying
      • We creep away while they head for town & call in backup
    • Their backup is a pair of TIE fighters
    • Our backup gets there first; Renkov and Fix’t order the ambushers out of their speeder
      • As they return to town, the TIE fighters show up
      • Renkov stalls them, searches for wounded, etc.
    • Kader and Cameron drop off their passenger and turn back
    • Renkov continues to play dumb, until Fix’t unloads on the TIEs
      • Quick brutal fight; the TIEs fall to the sand due to ion overload
      • But they too call for reinforcements…
    • K&C speed into the cargo bay; Cameron misjudges and slams into the wall
    • Go go go
      • Pursuit; space fight; 2 more TIEs down. (Total: 3 KIA, one fled)
    • Nasty patrol cruiser approaches from over the horizon
      • It keeps firing, but Fix’t dodges while Renkov calculates and Astrogation course
      • (A few CP are spent keeping us alive…)
      • Whew, hop out just as it’s finding its range
    • After short hop, we decide to alter our course and aim for System Five next. (To outrun pursuit, expectations)
    • Planet 5 is home of the Nighri; surrounded by lots of Thrawn’s forces
      • They hail us, claim this is restricted Imperial space, order us to heave to
      • We turn and run as they launch fighters
    • We decide to do a quicky of Kubindi on our way back
      • Fix’t has been listening to rumors about the Barabel (System 1) smuggling her people’s body parts to Kubazians (this System 4). We decide not to get too close.
      • They’re not subject to the propaganda that marred systems 2 and 3.
      • Satisfied, we leave.
  • We return to Mon Calamari
    • We dock w/ a ship and relax; we have a while to do our own thing
    • Tomorrow we’ll debrief.

Session Six

  • PCs have about an hour before the briefing
    • Kader checks on his girlfriend; others prepare for the meeting
  • Meeting: General briefing on the tibanna gas situation with the fleet. Assign us infiltration & acquisition mission.
    • We’re to travel incognito to Cloud City via a luxury cruiser. We have 48 hours before we have to catch the transport.
      • Our contacts on cloud city will consist of Lobot (Lando Calrissian’s aide) and two maintenance workers.
      • We discuss roles; the default assumption is that we’ll travel as gamblers.
      • By the time we finish, we’re posing as a gambler and his bodyguard, a doctor and his alien “nurse”.
    • We break and prepare for our roles.
      • We also acquire doses of salmonella, to incapacitate the stormtroopers onboard.
      • Extensive planning and contingency planning. We agree to seperate, so as to keep plausible deniability about each other’s actions.
  • We board the ship.
    • Renkov plays his flamboyant gambler role well; begins a rivalry.
      • Cameron sticks to his role as Renkov’s bodyguard.
    • Fix’t starts exploring the ship systems, easily evading the firewalls and taking inventory of the ship’s resources.
    • Kader studies up on convincing terminology to play doctor more authentically.
  • Day 2
    • Renkov takes a day-spa day to slow the hemorrhaging of money from gambling.
    • Fix’t enjoys some meddling, canceling Renkov’s rival’s seat at the captain’s table and replacing it with an invite to Renkov.
  • Day 3
  • Fix’t takes over the camera feeds and prepares to aid Renkov’s gambling.
  • But first… a neighbor comes to the “doctors” in a panic– they’re having a baby, right now.
    • So Fix’t and Kader play doctor; fortunately, the couple is distracted (with giving birth and all), and there are no large slip ups. Healthy baby girl.
    • Meanwhile, Renkov slowly and repeatedly antagonizes his rival.
    • Eventually Renkov and his rival coalesce in a card match.
      • The stakes are modest to begin, but soon spiral upward.
    • Finally, the rival snaps and attacks Renkov. Cameron steps in and starts knocking the rival around.
    • After taking a few blows, the rival’s out. But his two buddies decide to teach Cameron a lesson.
    • They beat on each other… after several blows, one goes down.
    • Cameron gets a cracked rib and a bloody nose as he deals with the other.
    • Renkov tries to help Cameron out, but shocks himself into unconsciousness with his shock cane.
    • As Cameron and the remaining bully boy slow down, security arrives and starts beating the bullyboy down.
    • Cameron guards his boss until he rises.
    • Renkov berates Cameron for letting the bully through…

Session Seven

  • After the fight
    • Cameron wanders to sick bay and gets treated for his injuries.
    • Renkov decides to retreat to his room, dealing with the after effects of the attack.
    • Fiz’git amuses himself making copies of the fight
    • Kader drinks in celebration of the child he helped usher into the world…
  • (Somehow) TonySoprano winds up in the brig, along with his two goons
  • The next morning
    • Cameron’s feeling much better
    • We decide to keep things low key… mostly
  • The ship’s attacked by pirates in rebel colors
    • 2 assault shuttles, dropped off by a Corellian Cruiser.
    • Fight!
    • Cameron, Kader, and Renkov all remain in their quarters, pretending to be normal passengers
    • Fiz’git, on the other hand, fights back
      • He duels with a wicked hacker and gets booted from the network
      • Undaunted, he uses a (previously established) backdoor, storms on… and kicks the infiltrator out
        • Infiltrator’s dump is so hard, his drive is fried
      • Fiz’git shifts his view to the bridge, which has been taken by bad guys
      • A little playing with the plumbing later, and the CO2 on the bridge creeps up, sending everyone to sleep
    • Meanwhile, the fight advances through the ship
      • A few doors down from Cameron & Renkov, a blaster fight breaks out
      • Grinning, Cameron decides to intervene with a grenade
      • A nasty fight breaks out, with Cameron and Renkov aiding their neighbor… who turns out to be TonySoprano.
        • They ally.
      • They fight several patrols via clever tactics and surprise, one goon dies.
    • Meanwhile, Fiz’git dispatches Kader to secure the bridge, now that the bridge is full of unconscious people
      • As Kader approaches his destination, he’s taken prisoner by a roving bandit
        • Kader pretends to be a sheepish prisoner for a while, then draws the bandit’s gun.
        • They struggle; the Bandit’s in much better shape than Kader, but eventually Kader stuns him with his own pistol.
      • Kader drags his prisoner with him to the bridge, where he stuns the bad guys
    • Fix’t turns the oxygen back on
    • Hacker Boi finds Fiz’git’s room and kicks in the door
      • He’s pissed! They fight; Hacker Boi falls to the ground with a bullet in his lung.
    • Meanwhile, the pirates are running thin
      • Cameron, Renkov, TonySoprano, and the remaining bodyguards close in on the docking vessels.
      • Renkov and Cameron pretend to be a pirate patrol returning
      • They then ambush the crew; Cameron’s captured blaster conks out on the first shot
    • The pirates retreat and are followed by a trapped vessel (grenades & blaster packs set to explode).
  • Our victory is celebrated; Kader, Cameron, and Renkov dine with the captain– as does TonySoprano.

Session Eight

  • After a night’s rest…
  • Fiz’git decides to lay low, as does Kader
  • Cameron approaches TonySoprano and offers his services as a bodyguard
    • They gamble, high stakes. Cameron wins.
    • TonySoprano accepts Cameron’s offer, delighted at Cameron’s personality… and at the chance to twit Renkov.
      • TonySoprano promises to send a diplomatic bag to Cameron, so he can depart w/ his blaster (etc.)
    • After 1.5 hours, Renkov comes by to claim Cameron
      • Cameron enjoys twitting Renkov
    • Renkov storms off; Cameron hustles to “save his equipment”
      • Cameron moves out to a nearby room, provided by TonySoprano
    • Renkov gets a visit from a pair of babes… courtesy of Tony.
      • He declines w/ an all too authentic curse
  • Ship arrives at cloud city
    • We all get through customs
    • Immediately after, Cameron’s reunited with his gear
  • Fiz’git and Kader stay “very low profile” for the next few days
  • Renkov plays up his wealth and eccentricity
    • Nice rooms; situates nicely
    • He later rents a cloud car to “explore the planet” (actually to count TIEs and readiness)
  • Cameron is treated well by his boss, Tony.
    • When he returns for his shift, they head out to rough up accountant
    • They do; in the process, the duplicate books are protected by bomb
    • Cameron dives, covering his boss with his body
      • They come away essentially unscathed
        • Cameron turns the kill order into a humiliation suggestion that Tony backs
      • Cameron’s sent to the mafia doctor
        • He feigns a sprain, gets some pain killers, nothing major
    • The next day, Tony escorts Cameron to meet his father, the crime boss.
      • He’s fed a great breakfast, praised, returns to duty.
  • OOC Discussion; what can we do?
    • We decide we need to:
      • Access TIEs computers
      • Update w/ “updated recognition”, that will ID a Rebel Destroyer as the Chimera
      • We’ll also need a way to cancel the TIE’s visual recognition.
    • Maintenance contacts will be key, since they might have a path to the imperial quarters.
      • Fiz’git won’t be able to do the physical infiltration, since an alien will clearly be out of place.
      • Renkov, on the other hand, has skill enough to take the virus/update and install it, if led to the proper location and provided Fiz’git has done the prep

Session Nine

  • We got off to a slow start; once Kevin reminded us that viewing hyperspace arrivals was possible (via a movie example), our plans got knocked off course.
  • (Extensive and time consuming planning.) Finally, Action!
  • Renkov meets with our maintenance contacts
    • They collect trash
    • He gives Renkov a map of the imperial sector– based on educated guesswork, not actual plans
  • Cameron and his boss go to the imperials to pay a bribe.
    • The Imperial Commander (a Major) demands 5000 credits more and gives them 24 hours to come up with it
      • Cameron and his boss discuss how pissed Papa’s going to be
      • They’re right; Cameron’s chased out as they plan a hit
  • Kader kills some time wandering the station
    • He stumbles on some moth balled cloud cars
  • At Cameron’s urgent call, we gather together
    • We plan and decide to have Cameron break cover to prevent the hit
      • Our other info is exchanged
  • Fiz’git and Renkov plan on a ductwork infiltration
    • It’s a little tricky in places, but soon they’re in the imperial sector
    • It takes patience, but they get access to an office and work the computer
  • Cameron returns to his employer, whose eye has been blackened
    • Cameron breaks cover and promises them the contract once the station changes hands
      • He agrees to pay the 5000 out of pocket
      • Boss’s Dad prepares for the fleet by filling local tankers w/ Tibanna gas
      • Cameron & Son deliver the cash to the Major and endure some gloating
  • Kader preps the fleet and gives the timeline (48 hours)

Between game talk

Scott> What’s left to do, other than waiting for the fleet?

Kev> Couple of things come to mind, Kader could use the freq we were given to contact ….

Ah heck, cyborg city brain guy…cant remember his name atm… let him know whats happening and upload the sensor IFF codes to overlay on the sensor readings for the ship coming in (so our star destoyer and escorts look like the Chimera and its escorts)

One thing that might be kinda interesting to do, if there is something like e-mail still, fake a msg from someone on the Chimera sending a msg to the Major here on cloud city giving him a heads up, Something like “You should know Grand Admiral Thrawn is enroute to visit you at this time, he will be inspecting the mining operations and your command. Suggest you make adequate preperations to greet him when he arives.” Or possibly a more general msg to that regards, ” he expects you to be prepared for his arival….”


Cameron could pay another visit down to the Major when it gets closer to the time they will show up on sensors, and say he was sent by Thrawn to inspect the goings on here ahead of time….has made his report and Thrawn is on the way will be here in…oh 1 hour, good luck….something along those lines….

I’m thinking Cameron because if I remember background correctly he is ex empire and can play the part well, and has been seen by the Major already, might get there fairly easily….


Post session 10

This is one of those times where i’m kicking myself, and going back to the comment I made the other day, this is a lot more difficult not knowing that much about the game system. We were sitting on tons of poison gas to use to take out the entire empire controlled area and had no clue it was toxic….Minor detail to know about Tabbana gas…. Could have played thru things a LOT differently if I/we had known about that.

Scott>: While true, it wouldn’t have felt very Star Wars like, if you know what I mean. Our sessions are best when we embrace, “Do something” instead of worrying about efficiency and careful planning. I’d rather pick something sub-optimal but Star Wars like (like your choice to try to talk the storm troopers into surrender) than something optimal but anti-heroic like cyberpunk/Shadowrun. Does that make sense?

Session 10

  • Session began with a brief OOC recap and decision to implement the great ideas brainstormed between sessions by Kev.
  • A funny scene with Renkov caught “fixing the toilet” off the small docking bay. Successful con and fun roleplaying kept us laughing.
    • Soon after, Renkov duct taped off the motion sensor so they could enjoy the room in peace.
    • Fiz’git dueled with a local sys-admin over the local computers. With a clack of claws, it was triumphant, with many a user alias seeded in the system.
    • After sleeping in the duct, they returned to get the information they needed. The information showed up later… as the sysop came to investigate the physical stations.
      • He was duct taped to the floor. His PDA became our Verpine’s “base remote control”
  • Cameron and Junior spent a quiet shift drinking.
    • Cameron then went to see Senior, to try to make sure he was playing it straight.
    • But he couldn’t get in; his cover was blown to even the guards outside.
  • Kader slept, following the soldier’s old maxim.
  • Cameron then went to visit/warn the Imperial Major about the impending visit of Thrawn’s Chimera.
    • The Major snapped into frenzied action, whipping his people up for inspection.
  • At T-1 hour, Cameron and Kader headed down to the smuggler bays.
    • They snooped around and saw lots of canisters being loaded, but were suspicious
    • Kader fetched his ultrasound and tried to ID anything wrong
      • Nothing. Everything pointed at the contents of their 1 test cyclinder as being Tibanna gas.
  • Imperial soldiers begin lining up in the grand docking bay.
    • Fiz’git and Renkov monitor the situation from their small bay, watching with the PDA.
    • Major wanders off; they debate letting him out
      • He gets out, heads to his chamber, and calls out that it’s a hoax
    • Renkov demands that the Stormtroopers stand down.
      • They try breaking out of the bay
      • Fiz’git flushes them out the airlock after shutting down the MagCon screen.
    • They take cover, not wanting to be in the way of the imperial beast’s breakdown
  • Meanwhile, Kader has led Cameron to the previously discovered Cloud Cars
    • As they watch, TIEs start chasing the haulers
      • Kader starts coordinating the haulers, trying to increase their cover fire and angle them most efficiently toward the fleet
      • After one good strafing run, X wing proton torpedoes smash through the pursuing TIEs, keeping hauling casualties very low
    • Fiz’git openly calls for assault troops to hit the cleared main hanger bay
    • Cameron and Kader dock with the ship and start explaining
      • Cameron’s expedient decision to ally with the criminals is questioned by “starched shirt” superiors
      • Kader’s put on hold and cools his heels while the battle goes on
  • Soon the rebels arrive. Fiz’git coordinates with an engineer, while Renkov leads squads of Rebel Marines through the ship, seeking the Major.
    • The major has bugged out; he seems to have left via the cloud cars
    • Fiz’git has to pump toxins on storm troopers who are trying to destroy the Tibanna loading arms. They die.
  • Victory! Now to fuel the ships… at least we have 8 hours or so before the baddies should arrive.
  • Or not! They show up far too early, as if they’d received an earlier message…

(End Session 10)

Game Group Roleplaying

Star Wars: Agents of the New Republic


I was musing that since I don’t have a game to run, maybe I’ll support the game we picked with a campaign log. Along with a campaign log, I’m thinking we can keep an NPC file and similar notes– both personal and communal. I figure we can also keep copies of our characters here, links to useful Star Wars stuff, and more.

Our Stuff:


Player Characters

Kader Firdazz (played by Scott)
Verpine Tech (played by Jennifer)
Cameron Dietrich (played by Jim)
Renkov Gamb (played by Kevin)



Kader Firdaaz

Character Name: Kader Firdaaz
Player: Scott

Template: Former soldier turned diplomat Species: Human Homeworld: Borleias.

Sex: M Age: 29 Height: 5’7″ Weight: 182#

Personality: Physically confident and commanding, with an out of place caution.


  • Line up worlds for the Republic he has given so much.
  • Find out how his family is doing; ensure their safety.
  • Eliminate slavery in the New Republic and across the galaxy.

A quote: “This is just like advancing on a stormtrooper outpost. Without the blaster fire.”

Connections with other players:

Physical Description: Brown eyes and dark hair on a dark frame. Moves with a hitch that doesn’t match his toned exterior.

Dexterity 1D+2Mechanical 3DStrength 2D+1
Blaster 3DSensors 3D+1
Brawling Parry 2D
Dodge 2D
Missile Weapons 2D
Knowledge 4DPerception 4DTechnical 3D
Alien Species 4D+2Command 4D+2First Aid 3D+2
Bureaucracy 4D+1Persuasion 5D
Survival 4D+1

Character Points: 5

Force Sensitive: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Move: 10

( ) ( ) Wounded (Twice)

( ) Incapacitated

( ) Mortally Wounded

Special Abilities: n/a


Field ready Blaster Pistol, scuffed and beaten

Diplomatic Outfits

Rib and spine supporting undervest

Two medkits

Diplomatic papers, identification

Credits and New Republic “credit card”

Blast Vest


Kader grew up on Borleias (aka Blackmoon), a humid jungle like world. Kader was recruited young for the rebellion; it has been almost ten years since he left his home. He remembers his school yard friends– strong, authoritative types who probably serve the Empire. Rayf and Villis are childhood friends (and romantic rivals) he’d still recognize. His parents, Lanah and Novin, and his siblings Dirk and Riga probably still live on Borleias– he hasn’t seen them in person since his ID as a rebel was compromised.

Kader was wounded on Chalcedon, during the battle for Endor. Imperial troops discovered the rebel base in the back country of that barely habitable world and attacked while the rebel fleet was busy fighting the second Deathstar. The rebels were outnumbered and drastically overpowered by AT-STs and TIE air cover. Kader (Sergeant Firdaaz to his men) covered their retreat into the sulpherous wilds, but was seared through by a blaster round and left for dead.

Hours later he was recovered by the remnants of his squad. His recovery was slow, complicated by the primitive conditions required to remain under Imperial radar. By the end of the month Kader had recovered almost as completely as he ever would; he and his men (Kotka, Pori, and Kupio) smuggled themselves onto an outbound slaver ship. They negotiated freedom for themselves and half of the slaves at gunpoint. Once they were off-ship, Pori arranged transport to Rebellion controlled territory.

The New Republic helped Kader find a new path to usefulness. After much grumbling about becoming a paper pusher, Kader found a passion for negotiation. His skills as a commander have found new use at the bargaining table. Meanwhile, he has developed a quiet romance with the med-tech, Fiolla, who helped him find the path back to health and purpose.


Character Name: Fiz’git Player: Jennifer

Template: Verpine Tinkerer Species: Verpine

Sex: H Age: Height: 1.9m Weight:

Personality: ADD like concentration when working. Snobby to flyboy types.


A quote: “Slot A, Tab B. You figure it out.”

Connections with other players:

Physical Description: A bit insectlike with large black eyes and green chitnous skin. Often wears Mexican ponchos.

Dexterity 3DMechanical 2D+2Strength 3D
Firearms 4DSpace Transports 3D+2
Space Gunnery 3D+2
Knowledge 2D+1Perception 3DTechnical 4D+2D
Willpower 3D+1Forgery 4DFirearm Repair 5D+2D
Search 4D

Character Points: 5

Force Sensitive: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Move: 10

( ) ( ) Wounded (Twice)

( ) Incapacitated

( ) Mortally Wounded

Special Abilities:

Body Armor- +1D vs. physical attacks

Microsight- +1D search for small objects

Verpine/Organic Telepathy- 1 km range

Tech Bonus: +2D


2 Verpine Medpacks (carried) +3 more (stored)

Tool kit

Bullet molds

Blaster repair kit

Military commlinks

Universal power adapter

Six Shooter Pistols (2)

Winchester Riffle, rebored as a blaster


Cameron Dietrich

Character Name:Cameron Dietrich Player:Jim

Sex:M Age:31 Height:6’2″ Weight:238

Personality:Cameron has military bearing and an authoritative voice when he speaks but he is more inclined to silent watchfulness


Aid the New Republic in establishing itself

Keep what’s past in the past

A quote: “I believe I’ve asked you that before. Please don’t make me ask again.”

Connections with other players:Possibly military connection with Kader

Physical Description:

Dexterity 3D+1Mechanical 2DStrength 3D
Blaster 4DGround vehicle operation 2D+2Brawling 3D+1
Brawling Parry 3D+2Hover vehicle operation 2D+2
Dodge 3D+2
Melee Combat 4D
Melee Parry 3D+2
Knowledge 3D+1Perception 3D+1Technical 2D+1
Intimidation4DCon 3D+2First aid 2D+2
Willpower 4DPersuasion 4D
Investigation 3D+2

Character Points: 5

Force Sensitive: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Move: 10

( ) ( ) Wounded (Twice)

( ) Incapacitated

( ) Mortally Wounded

Special Abilities: Interrogation


light armor 1DP +2E, med pac (5),military com link, macrobinoculars, 4 grenades, 3 power packs (rifle) 3 power packs (pistol), truth serum kit.


Vibro blade 6D difficulty 15

garotte (wire)

Blaster rifle (Scoped)

Blaster pistol

Renkov Gamb

Character Name: x Player: x

Sex: x Age: x Height: x Weight: x



A quote:

Connections with other players:

Physical Description:


Move: 10

Force Sensitive: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Character Points: 5

( ) ( ) Wounded (Twice)

( ) Incapacitated

( ) Mortally Wounded

Special Abilities:

Game Group My Game Ideas Roleplaying

Immaryln The Great

Last night [in 2005, mind you], I was working through a game I’d like to run– several times, in different systems. I’m not sure where I’ll wind up, but I’m interested in finding out.

Core Concept: Historical feeling, low magic fantasy fiction. (Deryni, Time of the Dark, and Tigana are all models.) The players will be important members of society– princes, dukes, and their heirs. A few game styles are also possible.

  • Leading Lives— the PCs are the elite of the Kingdom, and have a bond to each other. Meanwhile, others undermine the Kingdom– for greed or other reasons. The PCs cooperate at keeping the Kingdom together, preventing secession, assassination, and conquest.
    • Lord Burtley’s Retinue— a noble and his retinue solve the kingdom’s problems, as spies and secret agents
      • Power Politics— the PCs all play powerful influences at the Kingdom level, competing to influence the King. Several parallel mini-games; low priority.

Similarly, a few game systems suggested themselves– none quite right, but several very close– or just requiring a little pruning.

Your Role in the Kingdom

If you want a random rank, roll 1d6. Otherwise, pick whatever you feel will be most interesting to play.

1: Princ(ess)

2: Duke

3: Earl

4: Baron or King’s Bastard

5: Knight or Noble’s Bastard

6: Non-noble (aide de camp, Sergent of the King’s Guard, etc.)

For Random birth order, roll 1d4 as child number. Then roll 1d6 for total number of children– if the roll is less than the number you rolled as birth place, you’re the last born.

You could also choose a position in the church:

1: Primate

2: Archbishop/Seated Bishop

3: Iterant/Traveling Bishop

4-5: Priest

6: Abbot or other specialty group’s leader

Magic: Magic is limited– feared by many. Any known wizard is exiled from the church. (Alt: psionics/mind powers exist, but magic doesn’t. If so, people with psionics are members of the Zaird, subject to specific drugs, and excommunicated when discovered.)

The church still burns wizards in the back country, though the King has put an end to that in more cosmopolitan areas. There are rumors that the church works with rogue wizards, using their services and forgiving their sins. Church wizards are the lowest of the low– doomed to hell unless they forswear their powers altogether.

Immaryln DnD

The initial thought about how to implement it. I’m constraining a lot by default, though stuff could be added back in, just at the cost of focus.

Characters start at Level 3. Max HP for all 3 classes. Any of the 3 can be used for the x4 skill points.

The skill list is compressed– mostly combining skills, but a few promotions of Knowledge (x) to primary skills, since they’ll have greater focus in this style game.

Character Races:

Human only.

If using psionics, elf-analogue w/ special restrictions.

Character Classes: Quick Look

By the book: Fighter, Rogue, Scout, Knight, Barbarian, Marshal, Swashbuckler

Non-casting variants from Complete Warrior: Ranger, Paladin

Improved to PC: Expert, Aristocrat, Adept(?)

Casters, limited to 1/2 levels: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock

Alt Casters: Psions, Ardents

Not allowed: Everyone else. (Sure, you can be a commoner or a warrior, but you have better options.)


Fighters, Scouts, Knights, Barbarians, Marshals, Rangers, and Paladins are different fighting styles found in the armies of the Kingdom. Swashbuckler is a common combat style practiced by nobles.

  • Fighters are the core of the army; probably 80%+ of the army is fighters. The class is great for captains, guards, and many more.
  • Scouts are the typical army scouts, who move ahead of the line of march, gather information, etc. Second most common in the army.
    • Rangers are a rare subset of Scouts; their isolation probably keeps them out of the army. Their animal companions make them notable.
  • Knights are dedicated knights, or nobles who have had knight training.
  • Marshals are the army’s leaders in battle. (? if used)
  • Paladins are knights of holy orders
  • Barbarians are rare, hailing from the clan areas of the kingdom
  • Swashbuckler is a common combat style practiced by nobles.
  • Experts. Experts can spend their 10 skill points on any skills they choose, up to the level +3 cap. “Expert” phases usually have different names: scholar, diplomat, professional, and priest are all possible roles taken with the expert class.
  • Aristocrats get a bonus “noble feat” for each level of Aristocrat taken.
    • Example Noble Feats:
      • Favored by the King: +10 on diplomacy checks with the King
      • Trusted Seneshal: While you are away, your seneshal keeps things running smoothly. Use your full Administration skill, even when in the field or otherwise unable to administer your domain.
      • Elite Troops: Taken once, you have a squad of highly dedicated troops, who you can trust to take on important tasks. (Ftr2, with a Sergent Ftr3.) Taken twice, it’s a company of 3 squads (each as above), led by a Ftr4 Captain. Taken three times, you have almost 200 highly trained troops– as 3 companies above, plus a Marshal 5. (The King’s Guard is 200 strong.)
      • Aide de Camp: You have a highly skilled assistant who often travels with you. He begins at 2nd level (any class, you create and control him), and advances at each odd level you hit. (So 3rd at your 5th, 4th at your 7th, and so on.) He can accomplish many tasks independent of your direct involvement.
      • Fostered Out: You fostered with another noble family, and retain strong ties. You have +10 on diplomacy checks with your foster family.
      • Rich Domain: Your domain is particularly prosperous, allowing you to extract more wealth at a lower tax rate
  • Wizard: A wizard can have only 1/2 of his character levels in the wizard class. The other class can be anything else– aristocrat and expert are common.

Immaryln in Primetime Adventures

Exactly like normal PTA, just concentrating on dueling in tight spaces, power politics, armies on the march, etc. The “mind powers” as a human looking race (Deyrni style) opens up lots of options for conflict, intrigue, and war. Plus the debates over the soul, keeping the people while trying to change a hostile religion, and more.

Game Group Roleplaying

A Blast from the Past – Old Campaigns

A wiki for gaming notes and campaign logs

Our Games

Diaspora Cluster — A cluster we generated at the October RPG meetup. Quite a place!

Empire Of Iron — Our current D&D game (December 2007 – July 2010)

Serenity– It’s a big verse, with an interesting crew. (May-July 2009)

ShadowRunning — for our Shadowrun game (played March through December 2007)

Cormyr Game — D&D3.5; (played January 2005 through February 2007)

New Republic Agents, logs — our Star Wars game (played March through August 2006)

Immaryln The Great— quick thoughts on a game of courtly intrigue and warfare 

All of the above links were to an old public wiki; I’m going to copy out what I can. I’d largely forgotten their existence and would rather have them somewhere they’ll be backed up.

DnD My Game Ideas Roleplaying

Reclaiming Ludmerea

Images flicker: Moldering gems in skeletal hands; stone ruins ransacked, rebuilt, storm broken and resurgent.

Storm drowned lands, Mikpos wagering in Tavern Debina, goblin lairs in Kuopio’s sandstone ruins, Giants striding from a howling Maelstrom, adventurers sharing reconnaissance over wine, Kithkari stretching 8’ tall, stern Dvaerg dodging Rakshasha claws, a mail gauntlet grabbing a verdigris helmet, magenta rain rebounding from golden light, elegant silver Mikpos nails clutching a copper stylus, shadows spilling from a cracked Iron door, a pair of savage hobgoblins circle with bronze headed axes, a Kithkari calf boiling blood into ironjaw wolf trap, lifting an ancient skull clad in gold runic mask remnants, Tyhlos the White breathing icy frost at a leaping Vikari warrior, a mail clad giant strides through swirling and eerie mists of limbo, firelight glimmers through a storm cracked tower, barbarous Lizardmen feasting on long pig, iridescent plants floating in a candy yellow river that flows uphill, grand Mount RĂ€ttvik melted by a Chaos storm, iron and copper exposed and gleaming; heroes returning to Redewall laden with antiquities.

A scene: A cunning Vikari warrior pauses in the deep shadow of Mount Nijmegen’s iron topped peak, living bow taut in his left hand, darkwood arrow nocked. The breeze shifts, blowing from the purple bruise of cloud ahead, carrying the scuffing sound of claws on worn basalt, ascending the narrow trail. From behind, Gwendolyn Goodge calls out in a voice tinged with nerves and laughter, “Orm, are you posing or
” but her voice quiets at his gesture. Janssen marches forward, joining the pair in the rattle of chain, loud in the sudden still. 

Janssen’s bushy eyes raise in silent question. Orm’s answer to the implied question is low, “Two threats.” A gesture at his feet, showing scuffed trail dust and a patched boot mark, “Goblins, a day old, maybe. Heavy mark; not furtive, they’re probably lairing nearby — UmeÄ’s ruins, at a guess. But
 hear that?” Birdsong cut off sharp as Orm pivots smoothly, his arrow pointed at the claustrophobically close treeline. The acorn arrowhead caught the wolf in the shoulder as it burst from the brush; with a howl of chilling fury it raced forward, the wound shrinking in an eyeblink as it lunged towards the ranger.

At Gwendolyn’s incanted gesture, the beast was thrown sideways; reeling from the spell’s force its claws scrabbled across the bare rock, then cartwheeled into the underbrush and vanished. The trio scanned the trees, ready for the renewed assault
 but answering howls downtrail underscored their poor position. Janssen’s stubby finger stabbed out at the streaked sky. “Chaos storm hits in under an hour; we get clear of the beasts and the storm’ll scour our trail.” The patter of stinging rain, burning like lye, pursued them as they reascended the stony trail. Behind them the undergrowth melted like cotton candy in the acrid rain

Setting Overview

Redewall is balanced at the western edge of Civilized World of today – but seven empires, most long fallen, bestrode the chaos wracked lands to the west.

Storms of Chaos sweep from World’s End in the extreme west, changing the very stone and soil where their transformative rains fall and mists drape. When the mist clears, wonders and beasts from elsewhere are often stranded in the storm’s wake.

Redewall serves as a base camp for explorers of wild Ludmerea. A few hundred townsfolk support a local garrison that defends the civilized kingdoms of the east from Chaos Peoples, their warbands
 and stranger things stranded by Chaos Storms.

The small town also supports a mix of peoples unlike any other in the world – dreamers of great fortune rub shoulders with practical “exploration companies” that methodically probe the plains, sifting the wreckage of fallen empires for powerful artifacts and odd commonplaces of previous days. Idle soldiers swill beer alongside loremasters, antiquarians, and factors for the great merchant Bank of Aglaia and the many political houses of Civilization. The small powers of eastern Ludmerea fence with agents of the Winter Kingdoms and distant Zakynthos, all keeping an eye on the adventuring bands that journey into the wildlands and return with wonders of ancient days and beguiling baubles of Chaos – tiny ripples at the edge of the civilized world that can shake even the Kingdom of Rogaland, or the bustling metropolis of Cratais.

Scholarly researchers seek famed artifacts and chaos imbued reagents to enhance their research – or ancient spell formulae they can rediscover or “invent” for prestige. Grifters, conmen, and petty thieves seek to redistribute fortunes from those who brave the wastelands.

While many civilized people sneer at the wildlands, many kingdoms- even empires- have arisen from those monstrous peoples. Wave after wave of Chaos sweeping the land has deposited countless humanoids- some appearing a dozen years ago after a Chaos Storm stranded them, while others have bred in the swamps and pristine mountains for millennia – ever since Ludmerea was anchored into existence by the Worldloom that the ancient Vikari used to pattern Chaos into today’s known but ever changing lands.

Races of Ludmerea

The five civilized races who call Ludmerea home are the Vikari, Kithkari, Mikpos, Dvaerg, and Muhner. From a great distance, they can be described so:

Vikari are Elves with a viking flair. Play a Vikari if you want to be a character from a long lived and patient people with a cruel past.

Kithkari are renowned as cunning pranksters, savage shapeshifters when their back is to a wall. Play a Kithkari if you want to play an heir to wild magic, with inherent size shifting as only the most notable trait of a very unusual people.

Miklos are urbane halflings, the first to write and early masters of trade. Today they’re best known as bankers, confidence artists, and wizards — but always trendsetters.

Daverg are dwarves, with a history of respected rulers and breakthroughs in metallurgy and storm breaking. Play a Daverg to come from a dependable, respected people known for their strength and wisdom.

Muhner are humans, able to commit to specialization early in life with an intensity that no other race can match. Thanedoms founded by Muhner lie shattered in Ludmerea’s west; today most Muhner in Ludmerea rove in kin groups.


Big Bad Con 2022 – Context

I have a lot of thoughts about Big Bad Con, as an event, etc.

To start, they were strong and consistent in their messaging about masks, and followed up with emails the week before the convention reiterating expectations – including wearing an N95 or equivalent mask in all convention spaces. Right inside the main entry doors was vaccine check in, a separate station that checked your vaccination card, checked that you’d self-tested in the last day or two and were Covid negative, then issued you a wristband that the actual con check in staff looked for before handing over your badge.

On that topic, the hotel staff was all masked – and many local businesses unaffiliated with the convention (including customers and employees at the nearby Lucky’s supermarket, and the staff of both restaurants) were masked – so it was more a local norm than just the con attendees alone standing out as the sole people still wearing masks.

I arrived early – on Thursday this year, which made check in particularly a breeze, walk-up without lines for both stations. I checked in to the hotel and unloaded the car, then popped out for some grocery shopping [bagels and yogurt for breakfast, trail mix for snacks], hit the bank, and filled up the car for the journey home.

I returned in time for most of the Thursday night events, and I can see why my friends went out of their way to show up early in past years. There were 4 events on Thursday night, and I attended the last three – a fun “Hollywood squares” game featuring the various guests of honor and special guests, then a “D&D poetry reading” that was a cover for illicit Bingo (but not really) – well handled humor, with poetry and a live rickroll at the end, then Dinosaur Karaoke. The karaoke night was fun (though I departed about halfway through the two hour event) – a very strong early contender was a singer who’d written their own “as a Dinosaur” lyrics for Hallelujah, which replaced the “Hallelujah” with “chew right through ya” and the remainder of the song was similar feasting on prey substitutions… very well done.

The Thursday night events felt intimate – like the con organizers were entertaining their special guests, each other, and the rare people who showed up early. I can see why locals like Pat have talked up taking the extra day off work so strongly…even though there aren’t “real games” scheduled, what Thursday gives is an “insider” feeling to the con. (That was particularly useful to me this year, since I didn’t have the lunch connection with Fresnans scheduled.)

Friday, I headed across the street to the nearby Taqueria — they were overwhelmed and took 40 minutes to get to my burrito. (A few minutes after placing my order, they stopped taking orders altogether, and had the order taker hop to the back to help with the backlog.)

Saturday, I had a gap afternoon, since I hadn’t gotten into a prepared game, and didn’t want to hustle to try to get lunch and into a game on demand. So I walked to Broadway in downtown Burlingame, which had a great swathe of tempting restaurants. I decided on late lunch at Their grilled eggplant was delicious – straight off the grill, no dipping sauces required. I had a pair of rolls – the Broadway was a good roll, but their Ice & Fire was delicious and subtle.

I didn’t need a scoop of ice cream at Preston’s Candy and Ice Cream, but it was good walk from the hotel… and delicious.

Apocalypse World Conventions Roleplaying

Big Bad Con 2022 – Games

Enjoyed two games at big bad con today. The morning game was Sleeper on Glass Mountain, a Dungeon World scenario. It was a very interesting experience, significantly different if feel from my previous play in Fresno. The scenario was very exploration focused for the first 2 hours (few rolls and no fights), a frustrating middle where we couldn’t figure out how to continue our progress, then some interesting fights and conflicts that we rushed to get in before the session’s end.

Breakdown: The Breaking Point was the afternoon game. We made a tight squadron of paramedics, each with important challenges that threatened to derail our characters. The game started with a bang, with three of us coming off our third day of work, but staying after as a nearby school called in a three alarm fire – the chemistry lab exploded and the nearby wing had partially collapsed. So, exhausted, we rushed out to the school and split into two groups – to save children from the collapsed rubble of the school wing, and rescue another class from the burning chem lab. The rescue was a success, though we paid physically and emotionally. We then dealt with all of the messy drama that went along with trying to juggle lives alongside our work — for example, my character had to cancel taking his mom to her doctor’s appointment when the call came in… and woke up in the hospital, where Aunt and Mom were picking Kareem up… instead of the reverse. Great characters emerged quickly from play, and the tension only built as we put aside obligations to fill the short staffed positions…
(Breakdown is hoping to get a short print run to IPR for fulfillment this holiday season.)

Friday night, I went to games on demand and got to play Wildsea. It’s an interesting Forged in the Dark game with a few minor rules changes… But really, it’s all about the setting. It’s a deeply weird post apocalypse, but this apocalypse was the greening – trees a mile high have grown around the globe, blanketing everything.

It’s a fascinating world to explore, reminding me positively in many ways of Scum and Villainy. The setting is deeply silly but played straight; like the ships draw themselves through the tree tops with immense chainsaws, some of the PC races are a collective of spiders in a people suit, humans from our era who were trapped in amber and awake to this strange world, cactus people and more. The art is beautiful and evocative.

Saturday morning I played the Alien RPG, Hope’s Last Day. A great table, including an awesome android, Holroyd, who staved off a grizzly end for us many times, boldly throwing themselves in harm’s way to save the doomed colonists. The ending was bittersweet, in part because of a sleazy betrayal (by my character) at the end… But it felt very true to the universe.

Last Fleet: Cold War was probably my favorite game of the whole convention. It was very Battlestar Galactica in setup – full of juicy drama (and drama atop that!) , but it was really my fellow players who made it sing. We had dueling Admirals, an overwhelmed CAG who woke up in the bed of the Chief Engineer to kick off the game… plus family drama and hard decisions. The Corax were implacable, ambushing us at exactly the wrong moment… but trusting our corrupted Corax clone was the right decision when our foe ambushed us out of hyperspace while we were squabbling…
Really, I was a pure pleasure to be at the table. Our characters were mostly generated, with a few picks required to finish them off, and with some links to other characters already generated. We introduced our characters to each other in character… whew! And made up extra NPCs to share, who really had vibrancy from the word go – and totally messed up out lives. I played the President, and I still feel guilty about blowing my top and alienating my awesome Chief of Staff Julia…

Sunday morning I played The Dawn Of A New Era / X-men, a Tokyo Brain Pop system. We joked an hour in that we were playing a Spring Beak Issue, since we broke the power grid at the fence and got a trip to Savage Island resorts while the repairs were made. The system was a little too simple for my tastes, but the characters we made were fun, and the asides about the various “Professors” from the Xavier School who were chaperoning reflected a lot of love and lore from my fellow players.

Game Group Roleplaying

Alejandro Leon

Grew up on the… highly flammable Bersallis III. His family was star fleet, which he rebelled against… but when the colony had to be evacuated, he came to understand why people serve.

He grew up a troublemaker and hot shot, making off with any craft her could lay hands on. While he spent half his weekends cooling off in the town jail, the other half were filled with spicy parties and filched pastries.

Alejandro was on an away mission when The USS Nautilus (NCC-31910) was driven off by a Cardassian ambush and crippled during its retreat. His away team was trapped on the Janus VI colony during an outbreak of a Dar-Kosis. Short on supplies, Alejando took on the grueling task of triage to spare the doctors the impossible choices, imposing isolation and quarantine to slow the spread and preserve enough healthy people to keep the struggling mining colony functioning.

A recent academy graduate, ready to take on a battered galaxy
Game Group Roleplaying

Vervi Sh’ravaq

Vervi Shravaq image

Vervi grew up on Thonolan IV, daughter of Isyhr Th’etiarriq, Bevoth Ch’thyrhahr, Throllaa Zh’evaorhan, and Zati Sh’ravaq. Father Isyhr sculpts methylated ices and embeds aluminum ingots into statues that sublimate over days or week; he is famed throughout Andorian worlds. Vervi learned patience and an appreciation of detail from her famous father, which she carried into her holo programming and holo sculpting.

As a child, she bent her will to beating the nanny programs that kept her from the answers she sought, and downloading weeks of texts from the library. A childhood illness kept her confined indoors more than her peers; her warlike peers’ ushaan-tor skills led to humiliating defeats, driving her indoors and toward cunning ambushes where she could dictate the confrontation.

Vervi was accepted to Starfleet Academy, and thrived as she dove deep into science and began learning the engineering required to improve sensors and test hypotheses. Vervi was eager to get out to space, but her career was detoured by Admiral Oshrerir Ch’vaohrarh, who took an interest in the science savvy graduate and recruited her to serve as his aide. The admiral served as liaison to Starfleet Research; the young Vervi was thrust into world of advanced starship research, translating the researchers’ progress to the Admiral – and relaying his course corrections for the direction of research, to prevent the researchers from pursuing dead ends, or systems too sophisticated to implement in non-specialist crewed starships.

After two years, Admiral Osherir acceded to Vervi’s request to transfer out to serve on starships; she was thrilled to transfer to the USS Clement, NCC-12537, an Apollo class light cruiser. Her precision and intuitive problem solving led the Clement to some creative discoveries, and her neutron star sampling technique proved significantly safer than previous approaches, promising a revolution in ultra dense matter production.

The Dominion War was a terrible challenge to her ideals; the Clement was ordered to stand in harm’s way to protect Betazed from the surprise Dominion thrust out of the Kalandra Sector. During the fight, the Clement took extensive battle damage, and suffered substantial casualties, including injuries to several friends and colleagues, and the death of Doctor Phrelix, head of the science division, who was something of a respected rival and bastion of the old ways.

Admiral Osherir visited Vervi while she recovered from broken ribs resulting from the Breen broadside that followed the energy dissipator barrage. Under cover of a “complicated recovery,” Osherir persuaded her to develop a worm infested holo program tailored for Cardassian tastes. The Trojan holoprogram was swiped by Starfleet Intelligence and further weaponized with dangerous biofeedback, before being released by assets into Cardassian military networks. The worm failed to gather much information, but ensured that the weaponized holo programs spread throughout their training simulators and resisted corrective memory and data purges. A dozen Cardassian officers suffered near fatal feedback, resulting in the elimination of holo training in Chin’toka System and several safeguard cycles throughout the Cardassian Union before resuming holo assisted training.

Vervi still sweats at night, awakening with stilled screams as her nightmares deliver vivid confrontations with Gul Trepar and the other officers facing a lifetime of paralysis and compromised motor function. Sometimes, in her nightmares, she’s the one subjected to the near lethal feedback…

Vervi’s Stats and History Summarized