Game Group

Shopping and paperwork

I remember that people were talking about getting some shopping done during the week, so we won’t have to take gametime to do it next Friday. I guess this thread is here for posting what you’re buying, asking about availability, and the like. UPDATE: Ben asked how much gold we’ve made– an important question for […]

I remember that people were talking about getting some shopping done during the week, so we won’t have to take gametime to do it next Friday. I guess this thread is here for posting what you’re buying, asking about availability, and the like.

UPDATE: Ben asked how much gold we’ve made– an important question for shopping. We divied out 75 gp apiece last time, so most characters probably have 75-80 gp. If you saved money at character generation, you might have more.

Here’s a link to an online price list, etc. straight from the player’s handbook: Equipment

4 replies on “Shopping and paperwork”

Well, I’m whipping me up a magical ferret or raven. Any opinions? Or, there was some debate about whether it would be better to wait 5 or 6 levels and get a better familiar. I’ve never had one before, so I’m not sure which is best.

Opinions? Diatribes? Anti-ferret sentimentality?

I talked with Dad at lunch, and he agreed that routine shopping and sales should get taken care of between sessions, as much as possible, so that there’s more time for adventuring. He mentioned that the town we are in is good sized, so most non-alchemical gear is available off the rack in whatever quantity we desire. (He wasn’t specific about alchemical gear, like sunrods– I guess raise the question in thread if you want tanglefoot bags or whatever).

He mentioned that there are even some potion brewers and low level enchanters, so if we want to buy potions or common magic (low level scrolls, perhaps +1 items), we can. Frankly, I don’t think we’ve got the cash to buy much magic, but since this is the base of operations for the guild, we’ll be able to keep these assumptions whenever we stop by between adventures. (If we have shopping time, of course.)

About familiars…
Here’s the text on familiars ( ). Your two familiars are here: ( ) Ferret and ( ) raven.

Basically, I think both are great for roleplaying, but don’t do a whole lot in terms of combat power. One element is this: it gives you an extra (very minor) character to play. If you’re interested in playing up the interaction, it could be a lot of fun. (Perhaps your familiar has a habit of rolling its eyes while you go on about dragon blood, for example). If you aren’t going to interject much characterization, I’d avoid them. You can always pick one up later, but if its not actively used, a familiar is more of a risk than a benefit. Unless you have some touch spells that you’re hoping to deliver via familiar next level.

If you want for an improved familiar, it’ll take a feat. The details are here: ( ) Improved Familiar Feat. This is more useful if you’re going for a more combat oriented familiar… but it’ll lag in communication and other advantages, since you subtract the “familiar acquired at” level from your character level to see what special abilities it has.

I don’t have a problem with shopping in between sessions, but i have no idea how much $$ we each have.

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